What Do You Want For Christmas

what do you want for christmas wishes

What Do You Want For Christmas

December already… wow. Year gone by fast, now we are already in December. The Holiday season, Christmas and New Year is coming to town. Many would say what do you want for Christmas? Are there any specific request for this year’s Christmas? What is your Christmas wishes?

Okay, for those who know me, probably wondering, why do I write this kind of post. I mean, I am not Christian and definitely not celebrating Christmas. But it is okay to post about this right? If I am celebrating Christmas, what do I want for Christmas.

what do you want for christmas wishes
What do you want for Christmas????

What Do You Want For Christmas

Okay, let’s start with the list of what do I want for Christmas if I may. My Christmas wishes are mostly based on things I read or watched in the movie regarding Christmas. So here I go…

1. See and Feel Snow

You know, every Christmas movies, there’s always common thing, snow. I was born and raise in a tropical country, my lovely Indonesia. So, yes, I really do want to see and feel snow for once. Hahaha. I was in Paris during December 2013, but I didn’t go out from the airport.

Read also: One year ago… traveling to Liberia 

I can feel the freezing air, it was -5 if I’m not mistaken. But there is no snow at all. I wonder how it feels to touch and feel snow directly. Wondering also how to make a great snowman (writing a snowman remind me of a song from Frozen lol).

2. Go to Disneyland or… The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Yes,… you read it correctly. I want to go The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I was browsing for newest trending topics (actually share instead of topics) at Buzzsumo and found something interesting. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Grand Opening is on April 6, 2016 (Source: Universal Studio).

Well, it way pass Christmas but I am willing to accept the pass member for that one, especially if it come with a two-way plane tickets. Hahahaha. I am a big fan of Harry Potter. Reading the book was because on of my college’s friends brought it. And quickly, I was addicted to it.

I read the fifth chapter of that series only for 3 hours. That was a record for me, reading the whole 1000 pages in straight 3 hours. And I also queued for the first film for 3 hours, because I really want to watched it badly.

Read also: Movie Reviews by Febriyan Lukito

3. Knowing Where To…

what do you want for christmas wishes
What I really want is…

Okay, the first two wishes was way too “dreamy”. But actually this third wish is the most important wish that I want. If someone asked me what do you want for Christmas, I really want to know where I am going to in this life. Like last week challenge (or was it two weeks ago?) about what will you ne in 10 years future.

I am currently on a blurry side of my life. I really need to re-build my life straight away and focusing on what really matters for me and my family. I need to find my end mind, really have to (should it be ought to?). And for doing it, like what Dani’s said on the comment:

We need to look 10 years back to know what we want to be in 10 years from now. 


Holiday Season in Time To

Do some reflection, recollection of what have happened in our my life and rearrange my life. Well, hopefully I have a clear mind in doing so. And actually also the time (really need to managing my time more efficiently). So, if somebody (me) ask you: “What do you want for Christmas” – what would you say? Mind to share it?


  • You do your homework well Yan. But there’s a slight typo in your link. 😛

  • For this year’s Christmas, I just want to spend my time reading Balinese reliefs in Gianyar… without any bad weather (you know, the weather in Bali is awful this week). It’s because I don’t want to waste my holiday, for next year I already have plans to go to another place :haha.

    • Hmmmm. You really make me ? now. Envy

      • Tapi masih tentatif juga sih sebetulnya itu :haha.

      • Yang mana? Th dpn?

      • Yang natal ini. Belum beli tiket.

      • Ya ampun. Kan peak season kakak. Mau sm saya? Plus tiket sy jg ya

      • Hihihi…

  • Same here, I want your number 1 too ?. Hope can make it next year

    • Amin. Hopefully we can Fit.

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