behind the scene - random thought of a blog post
English Post

Behind The Scene

Do you know what do I love when I do movie reviews on this blog? I can browse and watch all the behind the scene of the movies. BTS –

about learning and life
English Post

About Learning

Some say that life is a journey. Life is a never-ending learning process. Well, I am agree with it. Life is very much about learning. Learn about new things, about

indonesian writers or female authors
English Post

Indonesian Writers You Need to Read

To be honest, I am not reading as many as before. Recently, my appetite for reading a (physical) book is drowning, need some rescues. But, this particular challenge from Blog

how to write product reviews that sells - cara menjual dengan review produk
English Post

Write a Product Review – Is It Okay to Write the Truth?

Brands ask bloggers to write product reviews with a purpose. As bloggers, how to write product reviews is important. How to write a compelling product reviews? What are the keys indicators need for a product reviews?

ranks for blogger
English Post

Short Post: A Question – Does It Matter?

Few days ago, I posted on my path about ranks – many people focusing on ranks. Either that is about their children’s ranks at school or ranks for bloggers. Yes, this

3 things you need to know to start blogging
English Post

3 Things You Need To Know To Start Blogging

Why do you blog? Many would answered to make money from blog. Many friends that get lucky and get the money from blogging. That is the most top reasons for

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...


Bagi kita yang sering mengalami masalah dalam hidup, terkadang rasanya ingin sekali bisa me-restart hidup kita, betul? Restart and dengan...

Never was… Never Will

Jika ada yang bilang kalau mengejar mimpi itu mudah, semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, apa yang kau pikirkan? Kemarin saya berkutat...

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Is It my Time???

Enggak tahu kenapa hari ini tuh kepikiran hal-hal aneh yang sebenarnya gak boleh terlalu jadi...

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Dingin Bro… Dingin

Pengalaman masuk Walk In Cooler itu bikin merasakan dingin yang luar biasa. Tapi kalau menghadapi...


G-O-D-I-S-N-O-W-H-E-R-E Apa yang tertulis di atas? Menurut kalian ya… Hidup ini adalah tentang bagaimana kita...

Judging or Loving?

If you judge people, you have no time to love them – Mother Teresa Quote yang...

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