Introducing The Winner

the first asia got talent winner

Introducing The Winner

Did you watch Asia’s Got Talent? Last night was the result show for Grand Final. The Grand Final’s of Asia’s Got Talent performances was last week. And I was in love with Gao Lin and Liu Xin. And also El Gamma Penumbra. Who wins the first Asia’s Got Talent?

Gao Lin and Liu Xin performed couple’s dance act very well last week. With a surprise at the end – a wedding proposal. Their performance and the proposal gave me an idea for this blog. So I posted about Wedding Proposal.

El Gamma Penumbra also performed a dance act. But they did it behind the scene with a story telling, just like the one performed in British’s Got Talent by Artistic. I think I’ve also made a post about them, their video in this blog also before. Ah the Share Your Thought for last week post.

Finalist of Asia’s Got Talent

Total of the finalist were 9 performers. They are: Gao Lin & Liu Xin, Khusugtun, El Gamma Penumbra, Dance Trilogy, Gerphil Geraldine Flores, Talento, Junior New System, Gwyneth Dorado and Triqstar. Sadly, no Indonesian finalist.

In this result show, they announced those who were still in the running to becoming the first Asia’s Got Talent. From 9 cut into 6. Then 4. Then 3. Then the Top 2. Sadly Gao Lin and Liu Xin didn’t make it to top 2, they event not make it to big 6. Hiks. The top 2 were El Gamma Penumbra and Khusugtun.

Khusugtun was a group of 5 Mongolians. They performed a music – traditional music from Mongolia. When you heard they played, I am sure that you will be amazed and feel that you are in Mongolia.

That’s why even my couple didn’t make to top 2, I was happy also. Because the Top 2 were very good, you can say they put their ass off for this. Well, the grand finalist were really great performers.

Top Two Performances

Here are the top two performances that I took from youtube:

Khusugtun’s Performance:

El Gamma Penumbra’s performance: 

Why do I like El Gamma Penumbra more than Khusugtun? 

None other because of their story for the grand final. A tribute to mother nature. They gave the best way to show what we had done all this time to our beautiful earth.

Many of us doing things that actually make mother earth cries so bad. We might have not noticed what we had done and still doing it in our daily life. Just like what I saw earlier today. On the way home back from Bandung, I and my brother saw garbage thrown away from a car in front of our car.

I mean, the car was not a cheap ones. I wondered about who thrown the garbage. It wasn’t reflecting a really good manner that I thought should be possessed by person who can afford that kind of car. Turned out I was wrong.

One person doing this, perhaps wouldn’t do any harm – at least that what they think. But imagine if everyone thinking the same way. They just thrown anything into the road as if it is a garbage can. And at the end, when there’s flood, it is government faults.

El Gamma Penumbra’s performance was showing it very well. About cutting those trees, using bomb for catching the fish, and also throwing garbage from a car. At the end, really, the mother is crying.

The winner is

Asia’s Got Talent using the same mechanism that used in other Got Talent shows. Judges can send performer to get through to the next stage. But at the end, the one that deciding the winner is audience.

So after last week Grand Final’s performances, three days voting was opened. And the results was in and the first Asia’s Got Talent winner was El Gamma Penumbra. 

Yayy, at least one of my favorite wins, even though I was hoping Gao Lin and Liu Xin wins. This couple showed a heart-whelming performance last week. Then again, El Gamma Penumbra also great performers. Hopefully they can keep doing their best to help others also.


  • Gue juga suka banget el gama penumbra..keren banget ya.gue belum nonton nih grand finalnya. Di axn kok ga ada ya? Btw sedih itu The brothers dari indonesia ga masuk ya…. orang gereja gue itu yan. Denger the brothers nyanyi di gereja bikin merinding saking kerennya.

    • The Brothers are from your church? I didn’t know that. They were good.
      I watched it on AXN Jo.

      I am sad due to Gao Lin and Liu Xin though.

      • Yes yan. But not exactly my church tp memang mereka advent dan suka nyanyi di acara gabungan2 gereja kita. Kalo denger asli buset deh menggelegar suaranya

      • Ah. I see. They only up to 24 if I’m not mistaken, right?

  • I have no tv-cable. 🙁
    Thanks to your post so that I knew how the show went on. Haha.

    • Mas Dani bisa nonton di antepe tapi siarannya engga live 😛

      • Ga pernah nonton anteve Wien. Palingan cuman pas malem banget berita di Metro. hihihi..

    • Really. So mostly you watch sinetron Dan? Or not watching at all? I thought you have cable and internet connection from the cable at home.

      • We don’t watch tv. As simple as that.

  • Ah tidak, kamu mendahului sayaaaa…. :'(

    • Hahahaha. I was drafting it last night Wien.

  • […] pengalaman dari mama. I love you mom. O iya. Soal jadoel, berhubung lagi nulis ini sambil lihat Asia’s Got Talent dan Mel C manggung – Grand Final (dua minggu […]

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