Why Are There Memories?

memories why are there memories in life

Why Are There Memories?

Perhaps you’ve been wondering also, why are there memories? Just like me. But then again, perhaps it is just me.

I often asked myself why and gradually I found the reason. Memories are to help us remember. Remembering things that made us to grow, from time to time. Things that we call as memorable times. If someone asks what is my most memorable things, I would say those times where I was down and got back on track again.

So there aren’t any sweet memories? Of course they are. I mean, life is a roller coaster – just like what Sandrine wrote last week. Some went up some went down. But if I compared between them, the memories that memorable for me are those when I was down.

So if you want to know most memorable relationships that I had, it would be my relationship with my late father.

My Father and Me

memories why are there memories in life
The picture taken at my sister graduation (after my father hospitalized)

My father was an old-fashioned man – a Chinese old-fashioned man. He believed that seniority really exist and us, as his children were not allowed to do things against his words. Despite his old-fashioned beliefs, he was caring and loving us, his family. He wasn’t a person that can express his feeling freely but we know he cared for us.

I remembered times when he did things that we never thought he would do. Such as, walked by himself to a nearby store to bought a full fried-turmeric chicken for dinner. Even-though it was raining at that time.

My relationship with him was really like a roller coaster ride. He sometimes said that he was proud of me then the next day he said that I didn’t do as well as my friends for an exam at school. I was angry at him at that time. He didn’t know my friends’ grades but he said that such thing. My anger made me worked harder to get the highest score in class.

And many times, due to I was the last child, he would ask me to buy this and that. He wouldn’t ask my big brother or sister. So I went buy those things he asked with grumpy. Then, my sister once told me that my father told her that he was proud that I was always in a big three during school and got the scholarship.

He was really proud of me and told all his brothers and sisters about it (he had 11 brothers and sisters). And this was never once he told me directly.

My Father was Sick

When I was in scholarship program of one of the biggest bank in Indonesia, my father got sick and need to be hospitalized. He was there for about two weeks. At that time all I can remember is that he was very pale. He was in agony due to his illness. I was sad, very sad. But felt useless. All I can do was stayed beside him.

After two weeks, he went out from hospital in a better condition. He attended my sister’s and my big brother’s graduation. He looked so happy seeing them graduated.

On April 9th, 2005 – 10 pm, after treated for about a week or so, he passed away. I remembered that time very clear in my mind. I was just arrived at home with my sister after looking after him. My mother and brother came to hospital, so we went home. I was trying to unlock the gate when my brother called my sister.

He asked us to go back to hospital, immediately . When we, I and my sister, arrived, he was already moved to other room. And soon after he was gone. I didn’t cry at all. I really can’t.

Memory Lane of him

memories what is memory for
Memories will last forever

Now, as I went through the memory lane of him, I realized. I realized that he was caring and loving us, including me. He did all those things to preparing me. He was preparing me to be better person time to time. A person that can do all things by my own. A person that meet all my dreams – including the scholarship.

And what made me sad is that he didn’t make it to see me graduated. My mother, the only person who came, hugged me and said: “He (my father) would be very proud if he was here at that time.”

Now, I know that even if I had a roller-coaster ride relationship with him, he actually did his best to be my father. A person whom can’t say things like “I Love You” directly, but he showed me how he loved me.

It’s been 10 years now without him. Full ten years with many times I was remembering his tooth sounds at night. And made me say: “I miss you so bad, dad.

That is my memorable relationship with my late father. A roller-coaster ride relationship that I didn’t notice what it was for. A relationship that will always be in my mind and heart forever.

A relationship that I cherish after all this time due to memories in my life. So… Why should I ask more about what is memory for? Why are there memories in life? It is for this kind of times. When I need somethings to remembered upon.


  • Anak bontot emang paling sering disuruh2 ke warung ya yan. Well lucky you have a sweet memory with him

    • Yes. The problem being the youngest ones Jo. Hahaha.
      Thank you Jo.

  • Vita

    And I think that’s one of the reasons why we blog. We can’t just keep all the memories inside our head.

    • Yes. That is so true.
      Lately I posted my old memories here. So I didn’t forget at all.

    • Icha, what’s wrong? Why :'(

      • Your post reminds me of my dad :'(

      • Hugs Icha.

  • Aduuh jadi berkaca – kaca baca ini 🙁

    • Why? I am sorry Mbak making you like that.

      • Sediih, inget ayahku 😀

      • Hugs

  • i suddenly remember my Dad too 😀
    he passed away 2 years ago :’)

  • So sad reading this Yan. Hopefully your fond memories of him will give you the strength to getting through with life. 🙂

  • It’s very touching 🙂

  • Nice story, Mas. He must be proud of you.
    From this story made me realize that I should spend a little time for family while we still together 🙂

    • Yes Lia. Do it while you can. I really sad when graduated. He wasn’t there to see me.
      Thank you Lia.

  • talking about father, it remind me to the sad memories. 2 years ago my father pass away in my kampung in jember. so i can not see my father for the last time before buried. then last month the father of my wife also pass away in bangkalan. and same with me, we can not see the last time our father before buried.
    that’s a dilemma, in one side, as a son/daughter we really want to see our father for the last time, but the other side, usually in moslem tradition, the corpse must be immediately burried.
    so, thank you for writing this that could remember me to my beloved father and my wife father

    • Big hugs for you and your wife mas. I am really sorry to hear that. I mean it is very hard, I’m sure. But on the other hand, I’m sure they both understand about your and your wife’s situation. Pray for them is a good thing to do.
      And thank you for remind me to pray for my father as well mas.

  • semangat ya om… 🙂
    it reminds me a lot about my father as well… thanks for the reminder… **mendadak mewek

    • Hugs mbah. Sorry for making you sad.

  • I want to cry when I read this post. Your father was a great Dad, Ryan.

    • Thank you Grant.
      Sorry if this post made you wanna cried. Hugs

      • It’s okay Ryan. Hugs.

  • menyentuh sekali catatan memori nya …

  • It’s always more important to teach someone how to catch his own fish than to give him fish just like that. And your father understood that. Great post.

    • Thank you for your lovely comment. Ah I learnt already from your comment

  • I’m sorry to hear about your father past story mas Ryan..reading your whole story makes me felt hurt too. And know I remember about my father. He still loves me eventhough I made mistakes till this moment 🙁

    • Call him and say things you want to say.

  • What a touching story, Mas Ryan. Thank you for reminding me to be a good daughter for my parents 🙂

    • Thank you Ami. I am sure you are a good one

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