Living Cost in Jakarta

living cost in jakarta

Living Cost in Jakarta

How do you measure living cost in Jakarta? By the minimum wages in Jakarta – regulated by government or by any other measurement?

If you are planning to go somewhere, other countries, one thing that you need is how much the living cost there. You need it in order to estimate how much money do you need to bring. Even for a holiday, you need to know it also.

Thus, how to know the living cost for a country or perhaps for a particular city such as Jakarta?

Do some research

Yes. You need to do some research before you go. You can use google, right? You can check it there. I am sure many articles about it. Just like to know how much is the living cost in Jakarta, I was do browsing using google and found many articles about it.

Update: website where you can check living cost and compare it to your city –

Thank you Mbak Eva for the website. 

For cost of living, I usually using food price for comparison. I mean, at least I need to bring enough money to eat there. Or you can also use a transport cost in the country – specifically the city you are going to. Remember, each cities could have different cost of living due some differences. For example if you are going to Indonesia. The living cost in Jakarta and the living cost in Jayapura is quite differ due to its locations.

Ask people you know

The next thing you can do is ask people you might know in the city you are going to. If you are reading this blog, you can ask me also for things you need to know, for example. I mean, we are all connected through internet.

It helps us to know each other via internet media – such as blogs, twitter, facebook and any other social media. You can check if you have any acquaintance in the city you are heading to. Don’t hesitate to ask.

Living Cost in Jakarta

Okay, actually today’s post is part of my English Friday’s posts to introduce Indonesia. Last week I posted about 5 tourists spot in Jakarta that you can visit. Jakarta still has many more tourist spots, which I will post each Friday.

Read also: 5 Tourist Spots in Jakarta

Today I will show some data about the living cost in Jakarta as of 2015. I hope this post would help you.

Food Cost in Jakarta

For the food cost, I am using McDonalds and KFC for your reference. And for coffee, a glass of coffee in Starbucks range between Rp 20,000 to Rp 60,000 (US$ 1.54 to US$ 4.62).

living cost in Jakarta
Food Cost in Jakarta 2015 – Rate: 1US$ = Rp 13,000
For delivery: 

McDonalds: Call – 14045; web:

KFC: Call – 14022; Web:

Transportation Cost in Jakarta

For transport, you can use many kind of transports. You might consider using taxi instead of public bus which is usually crowded, especially during working days. And you have to be careful for pickpocket in Jakarta also.

living cost in jakarta - transportation cost
Transport Cost in Jakarta
You can use application for transportation instead of stop them by the side road. For example you can use GoJek for Ojek (Motorcycle taxi) in Jakarta or GrabTaxi for taxi in Jakarta. You can download the apps on your mobile (available on iOS and Android).

Read also: How to avoid pickpocket in Jakarta

I don’t really know how much is an apartment in Jakarta cost per month. Can anyone help me?

Featured image source:


  • kalau apartemen saya nggak tahu, mas
    kalau rumah konrtakan… lengkap dengan kamar tidur, ruang tamu, dan kamar mandi, sekitar satu jutaan perbulan.
    kalau kos sekitar 500.000, tapi tergantung lokasi dan kelengkapannya

    • 1.000.000 ya mas sebulan. Lumayan tuh. Daerah mana mas? Hihi

      • sukabumi utara. adik saya pernah ngontrak. itu di luar listrik

      • Ooo. Deket ma kost kmrn dong yak. Sukabumi.

  • My offices colleague rents her apartment (2rooms) for free, we just need to pay the monthly bills.

      • Hehe engga, jd dia punya apartemen trus nawarin tmn kantor buat diisi. Gak usah bayar sewa asal dbayarin buaya maintenance tiap bulan 🙂 jd kyk nyewa aja gt wkwk

      • Oalahhh. Kenalin dong. Hahahaha.

  • Kalau mau taksi juga bisa pakai Uber Mas :hihi. Lumayan murahnya :)).
    Karena saya juga baru di Jakarta jadi belum bisa membantu buat ongkos akomodasi. Tapi melalui situs Agoda atau, kayaknya pencarian akomodasi bisa sedikit lebih mudah :hehe.
    Eh saya belum sempat baca postingan tentang tempat wisata. Segera meluncur!

    • Ubertaxi ya? Belum pakai saya. Hehehe. Kalau tujuan wisata sih agoda atau booking bisa referensi Gar. Atau cari travel yang dikenal. Hehehe.
      *jitak belum baca*

      • Saya juga biasanya nebeng teman sih Mas, lumayan murahnya :)).
        Iya, tapi sayang saya belum bisa pakai agoda soalnya belum punya kartu kredit *curhat lagi :haha*.
        :hehe :peace.

      • Hahaha. Bisa ke saya kok. Eh bukan agoda sih. Booking com. Hahaha

      • Kalau saya juga sudah pernah, Mas :hihi. Akomodasi di Batu itu saya pesan dengan situs ini :)).

      • Lbh mudah ya?

      • Iya, lebih mudah… karena yang itu saya tidak harus pakai kartu kredit *tetep ngomongnya CC*.

      • Haahhahaa.

      • Pinjemin kartu kredit gitu, Mas :haha. Btw, pinjam kartu kredit itu seperti “utang yang diutangi”, nggak sih? :hehe.

      • Hahaha. Iya. Skrg dah gak pakai juga.

      • Iya Mas :haha.

  • Uber taksi bisa. Selisihnya bs 50% dri taksi biasa dan klo dpt driver yg cocok mau ditungguin pulak (pengalaman temenku). Tp ya ada jg si yg hit and run (baca2). Aku jg belum pernah naik, msh memanfaatkan jd penumpang vip di busway.. Apalagi klo bukan krn bawa bocil hehe

    • Hahaha. Busway juga sbnrnya nyaman sih ya mbak. Saya juga blm pernah sih uber itu. Agak bahaya juga ya kl dapat hit n run

  • Apartemen tergantung lokasi dan luas ya. Tp kalo yg kecil rasanya sekitar 30-40 juta per th bisa dapet.

    • Iya sih ko. Tergantung tipe ya.
      Harga apartment di sini naik tajam banget. Palagi daerah Sudirman n Thamrin.

  • Kalo sewa apartemen tergantung luas sama furnish atau non furnish sih. Di daerah ku ada apt murah yang bisa 15-20 jutaan per tahun

    • Di sana masih agak murah ya Lia? Karena masalah banjir kah?

      • Bukan. Dulunya apt ini apt bersubsidi. Kalo apt mewahnya aku ga tau, ga berani nanya juga hihihi

      • Nanya doang gpp kan Lia. Hehe

  • You can actually send this kind of article Yan to a financial tips sites, or magazine or the like. A very nice info by the way.

  • Very interesting information Mas, I also can check the living cost in another country in that website if I want to travelling aboard 😀

  • I think sometimes we try to eat at warteg or another local food for breakfast or lunch 🙂

    • But not many willing to do it Mas. Not everyone has strong stomach like Indonesian. Haha.

  • Ryan, one bedroom apartment in Central Jakarta cost around 6 m.o – 7 m.o per year. I work with many foreigners and many of them, even the bosses, do eat on the street.

    • Wow. Your bosses are very cool Mbak. Last place I worked, they didn’t want to. Hahhaa.
      Thank you for the apartment info Mbak.

  • Hmmm.. Ini jadi pembicaraan aku en kawan-kawan jugak sih, Bang.. Bahkan ada yang ngga berani gaji cumak 3 juta per bulan kalok disuruh hidup di Jakarta tanpa punya tempat tinggal.. Wkwkwk 😛

    • Kalau bisa berhemat sebenarnya 3juta bisa hidup di Jakarta juga kok Beby. Mungkin kapan2 nulis soal hidup hemat di Jakarta ya.

      • 3 juta sebenarnya bisa kok, tergantung gaya hidup nya aja

      • Gaya hidup memang menentukan banget sih ya om?

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