#GerakanMinumAirPutih is a hastag made two days ago on my twitter account and this was because of Wien. Well, actually this was due to my previous post about “Pentingnya Kesehatan/Health is Important”. I wrote about how important it is to drink water each day (not color one though).
Read also: How Important Health Is By Drinking Water (Indonesian)
I admitted on that post that I didn’t do much exercise lately. I used to swim at least every two weeks and walking around my residence twice a week. Worsen, I also drank less water than it should be. Human should be drinking around 2-3 liters a day (please scratch the notes on previous post – I wrote 8 liters a day wkwkwk). But I think I only drank around 1,5 liters a day.
Less Drink More Problems
If we are talking about alcohol, the lesser our drinking habit, it would be good. But if we talk about water, it would be bad. Very bad. Due to my habit, drinking 1,5 liters a day, lately I felt many problems. My body ached continuously, especially around waist.
I read several articles and found that waist ache usually because I didn’t drink enough water each day. I remembered also about a co-worker who had a problem with her kidney due to this same habit.
Gerakan Minum Air Putih – Drink Water
So, now… in order to live healthier (and also afraid of Wien), I want to do some changes about my drinking habits. I drink at least a cup of coffee each day, sometime more than 3 times a day. I can’t (or perhaps won’t) change that coffee thingy. But I do realize how much I drank water before – this the one I really need and HAVE to change.
I want to drink water more frequently and hopefully achieving the target amount based on my body mass. Thus, I pledge for the Gerakan Minum Air Putih (Drink Water) and also downloaded an apps for drinking reminder.
Read also Wien’s Post about #GerakanMinumAirPutih
Ios Apps For Drink Water Reminder
I am a lazy prick who easily forget to drink if I don’t have someone to remind me *searching mode on…* As mentioned by Wien on my previous post, I downloaded “Drink Water Reminder” on my Iphone.
Read also: What You Have To Do If Your Iphone Suddenly Off (Indonesian Post)
Turned out that the application is quite different with the one in the Android (different developers perhaps). But it does come in handy, at least for me who easily forget. It has several features to help me.
Feature #1 – Body Mass vs Amount Water
The first feature is if we register ourselves in, it will calculate how many water we have to drink each day, based on our body mass. We input the weight and height on our profile and “BAM” the total water we need to drink each day appears.

For me, with the large body mass – I need to drink 3,9 liters of water every day. Hmmm…. quite a lot right, no wonder I experienced aches before.
Feature #2 – Reminder To Drink
In order to fulfill Gerakan Minum Air Putih, like I said, I need a reminder. This application on iOS helps a lot. We can set interval of reminders we need, whether every 2, 3, 4 or 6 hours. Well, because I really need reminder more often, I set the reminder every 2 hours.

Features #3 – Monitoring Target
As we already had the target amount of drinking water, we now only need to drink water more routine and monitor our target. Just swipe the amount of water we already drink each time. As simple as that.
Gerakan Minum Air Putih – For A Better Life
Wuoooo gaya bener… But it’s true. We need drink more water for a better and healthier life. That’s also written on the application. I read the facts of drinking water and its use, apparently, I was really wrong all this time and ignoring the importance of drinking water.

Do you want to join Gerakan Minum Air Putih? You can mention me on the twitter (@feb_ryan24) and let’s have a great life by doing so. This post also for the BEC’s Challenge – EF#32 Make Us Curious. Now you know I am doing Gerakan Minum Air Putih a.k.a. Drink Water More because I want a healthier and better life. 😀
And also afraid of Wien… Paraaaaah.. Hahahahaha 😀
Wkwkwkwkk. *kaboooooor*
Guten Morgeeeen….
Pagi2 bangun tidur bagusnya minum air putih, tp sudah taupun teteh males hehe
Teteh termasuk yg males minum air putih, jd strateginya, ambil botol minum 1 liter yg isinya air putih pastinyaaa, simpen di tempat yg selalu kelihatan, jd sekaligus diingatkan kalau harus habis dalam sekian jam. Ya gitu tapinya, malesnya ngalahin semuanyaaaa..!! *paraaah*
Yg ngingetin..?? Moduuuus ..hahaha semoga cepat ketemu yg selalu ngingetin dan bunyinya ngga bluup…bluup aamiin…
Saya sih taruh botol di meja teh. Tp tetep aja lupa. Hehehe.
No comment ah buat yang bawah. Amin aja deh.
Tapi itu mau lah teteh dikasih tempat minumnya, cakeeep ??
Ah teteh. Itu aja ambil temen kos punya drpd nganggur di kosan #ehh
Euuuuh.. Ya sudah teteh ambil saja, drpd ditaroh di meja saja hihi
Hahahaha. Gak boleh. Udah aku yang ambil ?
Lha ngga apa-apa dong diambil lagi sama Teteh, coba bayangkan teteh jauh2 dr Jerman buat ngambil itu tempat minum … tik tok tik tok sudah dibayangkan..?? Hahaha
wkwkwkwkwk… ya udah. gpp deh ambil teh. tapi nanti ke sini pas ngambil bawain tumblr starbuck Jerman ya. 😀
Siaaaaap…. ntar teteh hallo2 kalau awal tahun pulang yaaah..
Doakan bisa pulang ya Kakaaaaak…. ?
Ooh ntar teteh pasang juga ah apps nya, Danke buat informasinya.
Kalau sama sobat perempuan pasti bakalan nulis *ketjup-ketjup* haha
Hahahaha. Ayo pasang teh.
Kasih kue aja deh teh. Atau lensa tambahan buat iphone. Biar keren kayak yang teteh punya boleh kok. *dijewer*
Halaaaah keukeuh itu lensa tambahan, oohh jadi inget, sudah lamaaaaaa ngga lihat tu si olloclips, kemana ya…??
Ntar teteh kasih kue khas Nürnberg deh insyaallah kalau pulang, terkenal itu di duniyaaah, apalagi menjelang Natal, achso omong2 soal Natal, Nürnberg kota “pasar” Natal tertua di duniyah jugaaa.
Kalau pas pembukaannya, sesak kota sama Turis dan rmang cantik sih pasar Natalnya 🙂
Mana fotonya? Mau lihat dong teh di blog teteh. Manaaaa??
Tuh kan. Drpd gak dipake buat aku aja teh. Hihi
Kalau sudah baca dimanaaaaa…??? Jd baper nih teteh hahaha
Belum pernah cerita ttg pasar Natal di Nürnberg, google aja deh christkindlesmarkt Nürnberg gitu.
Mau jalan2 kesana itu malesnya bejubel orangnya, mana dingin pulaaaa ..
Kan lbh enak kalau baca dari blognya teteh. Hehehe.
Ntar deh kalau sempat “berburu” foto2nya. Ngga apdol kalau tanpa foto mah, termasuk yang ambil fotonya doooong haha
Hari ini mau memenuhi janji buat aplot bagi2 Kartu post itu dulu deh 😀
Yayyy. Finally. Yang ditunggu datang juga.
Hehe doakan jadi nulis ya kakaaaaaak
Ayo dong teh… harus bikin.
Siap kakaaaaaak…!!!
*sarapan Lontong kari dulu*
Demen banget pagi ini nulis kakaaaaaak…!! Hihi
Huahaha. Kakak siapa
Kakak Ryan laaaaaah… ???
Just installed the apps. I love to drink water but it makes my bladder full in a matter of no time. Haha. But I do feel better. Better not in a way of healthier or anything, but better in term of less guilt. Hahaha.
wkwkwk…. less guilt.
Emang yach si Wien ini setan air putih bertanduk yang baik hati. Terima kasih yach dan tetap konsisten untuk minum air putih.
Drinking plenty of water is certainly beneficial.
My youngest son loves drinking all types of water, including tea, coconut water and plain water.
what is the benefits of coconut water mas? Is he drinking the ones sold at mart?
Nope, it is the very water taken out of both young and old coconut we sometimes buy at traditional kiosk. 🙂 Some say coconut water keeps us energized and fresh. ‘Kelapa ijo’ (one with pink shell) is especially efficacious to help with diarrhea and vomiting.
Nah, nah gimana hari ini, sudah mendekati 3.9L belum mas?? Udah sore loh ini…
Aku dulu install app nya sekarang nggak lagi, bunyi mulu tapi kaki malas melangkah ke dispenser hahahaha…
Belum nih. Masih krg 2000an ml lagi. Hehehe. Hari ini kurang banyak banget. Hiks.
Aku penyuka air putih. Kayak onta minumnya segentong hahaha. Kemana2 selalu bawa botol air sendiri dan cepet haus. Jadi badan sudah punya alarm sendiri kalo butuh. Kayaknya setiap setengah jam aku selalu minum. Semoga konsisten ya gerakan minum air putihnya 🙂
Amin Den. Tp kmrn krg nih. Hehehe.
Kyknya memang krg dibiasakan jadinya alarm gak nongol yak
iya nih, kadang kalo lg sibuk ngapain jadi lupa minum… kadang jg jadi khawatir sendiri xD
Sama kita. Kalau dah sibuk suka lupa
Eh bahaya banget tuh kalau sudah mulai sakit pinggang Mas, syukur deh pencerahan datang di saat yang tepat. Mungkin pertolongan Tuhan juga kali ya. Makasih ya postingannya, baru saja saya mau search aplikasinya yang kayak bagaimana, eh saya baca postingan ini. Jadi tahu deh. Mesti mengaktifkan lagi penggunaan botol air yang saya beli via pasar online itu :haha.
Amin. Moga gak lupa lagi sih Gar. ?
Amin :)).