Never Throw This Question, It Only Make You Miserable

what if questions and quotes

Never Throw This Question, It Only Make You Miserable

What If – that is the question you should never ask, neither to yourself or to others. No matter what happen, you should never throw this question at all, because no answer would ever satisfy you. And it could be worse, it make your life miserable.

The thought of somebody pulling and cutting around my face gives me stomach ache. Plastic surgery would be so painful. What if it doesn’t look good? What if they made a mistake? I couldn’t do it. – Salma Hayek


I was drafting this post several days ago, and now I don’t know what am I going to write at that time. But I am still agree with my opening paragraph above. I want to continue this post but really, my mind is blocked away from ideas regarding this theme.

I could only say that – we will always wondering in this life, our life. About things that happened, things that not happened, things that you wish to happen. No matter what, you could only wondering.

What If Quotes From The Web

Because I am not able to write anything about this theme, I want to share you quotes that I found about this “WHAT IF” that I really love and make me thinking a lot…

Every single person, pretty much, is taught what they’re supposed to do: go to school, get a job, find someone to love, get married, have kids, raise the kids, and then die. Nobody questions that. What if you want to do something different? Aziz Ansari

In society, we have these unspoken rules of conduct, these ‘shoulds.’ Even though we pride ourselves on being a democracy, there are all these ways we say you ‘should’ behave. But what if you’re living your life by the ‘shoulds’ and you’re not really living your life? – Chris Noth

I personally battled with my own body image for years. I used to tell myself, You can’t wear anything sleeveless or strapless. And all of a sudden I was like, What if I just didn’t send such negative messages to my brain and said, wear it and enjoy it? And now I’m more comfortable in clothes than ever. – Drew Barrymore

Never Ever Regret Your Life

Recent events in my life made me realize that regretting things are pointless. Yes, we might find that life isn’t like what we want it to be, but if we dwelt with ourselves and regretting it, we won’t go anywhere. Life is just a temporary.

So like what Job’s ever said: “Live your day as if today is your last day”, we should fill our days with things we love, things that we can share to others. Things that can be our own legacy for our families. You never knew when life calling you to its own hand. Let’s cherries the life given to us and live and shine…

*I am so random… really don’t know what to write anymore*


  • I think what if is still necessary to remind us what is better strategy to use next time we face similar problem

  • same situation for me, couple month ago, i just look at my pc screen, and wonder, why my blog traffic is so small,

    then thunder of hope strike me, and give me a simple question,

    “what if you just wrote and let google do the else”

    and now, i just write anything, and google still do the else, 🙁

    • Haha. That’s me before. Looking at the traffic on and on and on.

  • rainyranny

    eh tema kita samaaa 😀 minggu lalu saya post tentang What If? ini hiehiei dan semalam waktu like di G+, teman saya lihat dan dia bilang “ntuh postingannya what if juga kayak kamu.” Cuma saya belum banyak ngomong karena belum baca. Eh, ternyata pikiran sama juga kayak mas Ryan 😀

    Iya, pertanyaan itu nggak akan pernah memuaskan! Teman saya bertanya ke saya tentang itu dan ujung-ujung debat dan saya ngambek ma dia, lah abisnya dia gak puas sama jawaban saya. *saya kudu piye to?*

    Regret juga gak akan merubah keadaan, 🙁 so live today like as if today is a ur last day!

    • Wahhh. Mbak Ranny nulis itu juga. Mau baca ahhh.
      Iya mbak. Gak akan ada jawaban yang memuaskan kalau hanya what if aja. Wong gak prnh melakukannya kan? Gak kebayang aja kan jadinya.
      Live now.

  • I want to make “What If” post to ah..
    Some months ago this question have drown me in ocean of misery. I woke up and found my self ask what if question every second and made me worry about future. To live is to enjoy the present. And happy people never ask what if question, don’t they?
    Nice post BTW

    • I don’t think they didn’t ask it. They do but they know it’s going nowhere. So instead of nowhere they do now here.

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