Things About One Thing That…

one thing that

Things About One Thing That…

Last night, my mind suddenly went wild and this thought came out as the result. It was random thought about many one thing that exist in my life. Either things that I’ve done or things that I’ve seen on others.

One Thing That I Love

I am not talking about person(s) – at least that what my mind thought last night. It is about things in life that I love. Okay… lemme think again what is the one thing that I love in life. I want to say love, but then I choose “friendship“. I know it is hard to have a great friendship and maintain it, so that’s why I choose friendship as the one thing in life that I really love. If you have friends, keep hold them tight and close.

One Thing That I Hate

Love vs Hatred, two side of coins in life. It always like that. It would be incomplete if I talked about one thing that I love and not talking about one thing that I hate in life. Many things in life that I don’t like and even hate them a lot, such as injustice among others, people coming late on their appointments and other.

In all of that, the one thing that I hate the most is thing that I usually do – lately – which is procrastination. I really need to change myself about this. I tend to plan things and then procrastinate it.

Yes, I do procrastinate in order to calming myself down first and do things rationally (excuses). But one thing about procrastination is that, once you do it, you tend to do it again and again. And this also resulted in things I regret for not doing so. Do you have idea how to handle this procrastination?

One Thing That Make Me Happy

Watching Happy Feet movie made me happy for sure, listening to a song that boost my spirit also make me happy. But what make me happy the most is seeing others being happy. Especially if they are happy because of what I did.

Ah, you are just saying those because you want to get recognize as that kind of person. Perhaps you think that way, but actually it really does. I mean, had you ever seen someone smile because of yourself or what you did to them? It was the greatest feeling I had ever felt in my life.

One Thing That Make Me Sad

There’s joy and there’s sadness, at least that I learned from Inside Out movie. Balanced-life is about balancing all of the emotions in your life. Talking about sadness, there’s one thing that make me really sad. That is seeing my mother cry. No matter the reason (unless it was a tear of joy), if she cries, it would break my heart for sure.

One Thing That Make Me Going

Keep moving forward, at least that what Dory said in that fishy movie. And in order to do that, you need an energy to make you keep going forward in life. Many would say it is LOVE that make people going forward, but for me, it is not.

One thing that make me going forward, keep moving is HOPE. It helps remind me that everything will be okay, eventually, as long as I keep myself believe in things will be okay – that is hope all about for me. Helps me cope and keep believing.


There are many one thing that exist in life, such as one thing that make me mad, one thing that keep me on the ground, and many other one thing. For now, at least I want to share those 5 One Thing That exist in my life. For now… maybe next time I can share more.

If I ask, what is the one thing that exist in your life, right now, this very moment you are reading this post, what would it be?

NB: This post is also submitted for the BEC’s Challenge: Your Plan Your Regret


  • klau one thing exploring the world ada gk bg ? 😀

    • Exploring the world kayak gmn Win?

      • keliling dunia gitu bg

      • Bisa tuh Win. Ayo bikin.

  • can’t even decide what to answer your question.. 😀 Procrastinate is something that we shouldn’t do but the easiest thing to do 😛

    • Why can’t you decide Dan?
      Yes. But we, well me to be exact, do it often hehe

      • there are too many for each one of the category

      • Well make many ones then. Hahaha

  • one thing i love, nasi goreng
    one thing i hate, waiting nasi goreng
    one thing make me happy, nasi goreng is serve
    one thing make me sad, pay nasi goreng bill
    one thing make me going, another nasi goreng

    • Hidup nasi goreng.
      Mau nasi goreng apa mas? Ada nasi goreng ikan asin, nasi goreng pete, nasi goreng awut2an.

  • yg awut2an kayaknya menarik tuh.. walau belun pernah denger

    • Hahaha. Nasi goreng campur mie campur bihun campur apa aja yang bisa dicampur sampe gak jelas lagi

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