Am I a sporty person? Well, to be frankly no, I am not into sport as much as many other people do perhaps, that’s why my tummy is getting bigger and bigger now. I was a member in a gym club few years ago, 8 years to be exact. At that time, I was planning to do exercise at least 4 times a week, not because I wanted to be a bodybuilder but more into doing exercise after working hours.

Then, I moved to other city, Cirebon, and I stopped my membership there. After that, I rarely went to gym club. So, what do I do for sport? Well, my favorite ones of-course, swimming. Yes, I really love swimming. I usually swim on Sundays with a friend, not in swimming pool of my estate I’m living due to its expensive entrance fee. I swim in a swimming pool nearby which the fee is half of it.
The main problem is that it always crowded with people during the weekend. The swimming pool is not a pool only, but a water park actually. That is also the reason many come during the weekend with the whole family. I several times spotted a really big family (approximately about 20 people) came for swimming and they brought their own foods, drinks, even mats, just like a picnic.
I usually swim about 30 minutes to 1 hour, taking 10-15 laps – not continuously though. At least I take around 3 – 4 time breaks with 2 – 3 minutes each. In my family, I am the only one who can swim because I am the only one who learn it. I didn’t take any lesson for it, just learning from a friend when I was a membership in a hotel across my first big office on Sudirman Street. I was told to learn how to breathe first, then after that learning the style after.

Learning swimming wasn’t easy, I can tell you this. Try to breathe under water when you are not able to swim at all plus a traumatic incident. The first thing we need to do is to conquer our fears first. After that, just jump in and do what you are told to do. By the way, don’t think that my friend was always with me during the learning. No, I was alone mostly. So I was told to learn how to breathe for about two weeks (I was swimming 3 times a week, minimum).
After two weeks, I was told to try to lift my legs above the water and flip away my feet. My friend was not accompanying me again off course. Then soon after I learned the style – a free style and after few weeks learning, I am able to swim. I felt really HAPPY when I really did started to swim on my own. It was a very big achievement for me.

Have you ever felt things like that? Nowadays, I think we are too much spoiled by people around us, by the condition and etc. If we want to eat, just dial. If we are tired walking, just look for a taxi. This is only my opinion though, because at least that is what I feel. I feel so comfort traveled around by asking my sister to drive, I don’t want to learn how to drive again.
Learning is about are we willing to do it or not, right? If we don’t feel like doing it by ourselves, it would be useless. Many told me to learn how to drive, but I don’t want to – at least don’t have strong will to do it. Even if many people give us many theory about it or many can be obtained from internet, nowadays, because we don’t have the willingness to learn, we just stand by. We are going nowhere.
Argh… why is this post becoming sort of “curcol”. But then again, I always put any of my post like this, except maybe Fiction’s post. Let’s end this post here with a quote from my self.
Learning comes from our own willingness. Our eagerness to knowing new things. We, not them.
This post is for English Friday Challenge from Blog English Club. The theme this week is “what is your sport“. Want to join us? Click and join us on the member page.
I love swimming as well Yan, waktu hamil sering berenang after I gave birth the exercise that I do is running. walau sebenrnya gak begitu sukaa si. di enjoy karena selalu pake sony walkman aja jadi seru kan ya kalau dibarengin musik,but now.. howww I love zumba. buat nagih. walau I still do runing sometimes
Sampai bulan ke berapa lari Nis?
I love swimming too yan. Cuma males beres2 baju basah n bilas2nya..hehe
Hahahaha. Pasti ribet yak dirimu. Urus krucils sekalian sih ya
Iya I used to love swimming until these two cheeky monkeys hadir…heheheheh..males bilas2nya
Hahahaha. Mang kalau sendiri lbh enak sih. Hehehe
Can you write how you learned swimming in more detail?
Hi mas, I am very sorry. Just check spam now and I see your comment there. Well, I will post it later on. And inform you when I do.
I agree with you, mas. We need to learn everything that everyone most do. We never know, someday we will use or need that.
Yes. Totally. Not depending to others.
Aaakk, aku ga bisa berenang. Hiks! :’)
Ayo belajar. Mulai dr nafas
When akang was child akang learned swim at the river not at the swimming pool 🙂
It must be fun Kang. Here, no good river to swim. Hehe
kebalikan dari saya dalam keluarga cuma saya saja yang tidak bisa berenak 😀
Wah. Kenapa tuh? Ada alasan tertentukah?
gak ada alasan tertentu,udah coba belajar berenang tapi kok ya gak bisa2 🙂
Ooo gitu. Kirain ada trauma apa gt.
aduh maaf nulisnya buru2 nih gak fokus maksud saya “cuma saya saja yang tidak bisa berenang” 😀
Actually, I am somebody who not really like sports. But I do swimming ones a week, I am following a swim course to reach certificate B, back then I already have certificate A for basic swimming (every kid here should be having certificate A). I can swim now, better late then never, right?
Yes. Better late than never.
I don’t have any certificate heheh
Ah, jadi pingin bercerita soal pengalaman pertama kali belajar berenang…
Ayo share om
I learnt to swim by my father 🙂 I agree, when there is a will, we’ll gone thru every obstacles persistently.
Lucky you Nad. You have someone who teach you.
ha..ha.., jadi malu
aku bisa berenangnya juga udah tua, bareng belajar dgn anak2ku he..he..
Waaa bisa nih niru Mba Monda , belajar renangnya bareng anak sekalian aja ntar XD
Nah. Bener tuh.
Wah. Hebat mbak masih mau belajar renang. Kerennn.
I am a sporty girl but I can’t swim 🙁
Actually I am not sad, I am laughing every time I told a person that I can’t swim. Just like what you said Mas, I didn’t put effort on it :p
Why didn’t you put effort on it?
I ever tried, but it need effort to manage the time and the coach. If I tried to learn swimming again, then I moved to another town when the lesson had not finished. I move from a town to another one every 2 years Mas :p
I cant reply your latest comment Mas, so I write here. Actually it is an average. Sometimes I only stay for a year, and in another town I had stay for three years :))
I see. Hard if you always madden.
I see. That is definite time frame? The 2 years.
Maap komennya agak keluar konteks, itu manga Kungfu Boy koleksi pribadi atau dapet donlot dimana ya Ryan? Kalo ada linknya, pengen baca lagi deh.
Pakai aplikasi Mas. Nanti aku cari dulu ya. Pakai android atau ios?
Btw pa kbr mas? Lama gk keliatan.
Oh pake app, kirain donlot di web mana gituh. Pake andro nih, tapi saya kurang suka baca disini, kurang lebar layarnya, nyamanan di dekstop. Baik-baik aja, kau? Ada kok jadi silent reader, hehehe.
hwaa…. berenang… olahraga yang paling saya nggak bisa
Knp mas
karena nggak bisa 😀
I am not a fan of swimming, since I can’t do that :hoho. But in my opinion, you are quite sporty :)).
Huahaha. Really? I’m sporty?
From the explanation given, it’s likely to be it.
Which one Gara?
All of them :hehe.
Hmmmmm. Really?
Yeah… :)).
Still can’t find where is the statement. Hahaha
It’s okay :)).
Hayuk berenang bareeeeeng 😀
Yukkk. Tp jgn ajak renang dr Medan ke Jakarta atau sebaliknya ya
I’m about to post my swimming learning experience. Hihihi.. 😀
Post it. Want to read it.