Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

#EF10 – Indonesian Foods Are…. Priceless

2 min read

#EF10 - Indonesian Foods Are.... Priceless 1

Last week I received a comment from Mabel, she asked me to post about Indonesian Food. So many delicious Indonesian Food that I can post, she said. Herself, really love Martabak with cheese and nuts. And this week challenge from BEC is Indonesian Food. Thus, here we go. As an opening of this post let me give you the Martabak I had last week.

Chocolate, Nut & Cheese Martabak
Chocolate, Nut & Cheese Martabak

This is a chocolate, cheese and nut combination. I always love Martabak, especially the one with a gluten black rice and coconut, but sadly, nowadays, it’s hard to be found. So, the next in line is chocolate, cheese and nut combination. This combination makes the taste not to sweet and not too salty also. I don’t like to put milk too much on it though, not like I used to when I was younger – the older you are, the more cautious you are about health.

I can’t say too much about how to make this particular snack, but I found this blog that posted how to make the martabak. Here is the link from Tersedap Blogspotย (written in Indonesian). Now, I want to talk about my other favorite, that I craved so bad when I was in Liberia, TEMPE, a fermented soybean. I didn’t find any of this particular in Liberia. I found tofu, which used soybean also, but TEMPE – there’s none.

Dinner at Kemangi with Fam, can you see the TEMPE
Dinner at Kemangi with Fam, can you see the TEMPE

That’s why, as soon as I arrived in Indonesia, the first food I was looking for was TEMPE. At that time, I went to an Indonesian Restaurant in Cibubur area called Pondok Kemangi with my family. And for sure tempe was one of have to ordered item. I even ate 3 pieces of fried tempe at that time.

Pondok Kemangi itself is a Sundanese Restaurant, with seafood and any Sundanese food there. The place was (actually is – until today) a really nice place to visit with family. There are two main area there. The first one is like any other restaurant – table sets, but I usually request for the second area, an outdoor area, behind. In this area, you can also choose to eat on table sets – surrounding by a small pond, or a “lesehan” style area where you can just sit on the floor.

Fried Tempe
Fried Tempe

Ok, enough with the restaurant, this is a post about the food. What I love from this restaurant was the food. Beside tempe, it has also various type of Indonesian food. There are grilled fish with black soy sauce, stir-fried kangkong (which is called as chicken green in Liberia), stir-fried bean sprout with salted fish, and many more. Those I mentioned in detail was actually what we ordered at that time.

We had a fun night of course, that was the first family dinner after I came back – the complete set of my family, even my sister brought her tongsis. I ate almost all that we ordered because I really miss Indonesian food a lot. My craving of Tempe was not ended there. I ordered tempe for almost one month every time I ate with some friends, I even asked my mom to make a “tempe kecap” where the tempe cut into block style pieces and stir-fried with garlic, onion and black soy bean. Thus, for this challenge, let me show my dining experiences since I got back from Liberia. Hopefully you are not in starve when you read this (like me when I wrote this… hiks).

Even though the price of Tempe is not so expensive, for me, it is priceless. Where else can you find it? With the taste that suited you. Orek Tempe, Fried Tempe, and any other kind of food from Tempe. It is priceless.

Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Behind The Scene

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About Learning

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124 Replies to “#EF10 – Indonesian Foods Are…. Priceless”

  1. iya kalo soal makanan, kayaknya indonesia gak kehabisan gaya ya Ryan. Di tiap propinsi makannnya beda rasanya dan khasnya keciri beda beda. Banyaknya bumbu ngaruh banget ya, tapi makanan minimalis bumbu macam tempe dan tahu sumedang puuuun tetap enak.

    1. Uenak tenan. Makan pakai kecap doang cukup. Hahaha.
      Iya. Bumbu di masakan Indonesia itu luar biasa. Dunia juga mengakui kan. Asia itu makanannya penuh bumbu

  2. The power of Factor A, in good terms, of course, since it makes you more concerned about health :hihi.
    Wow, those foods are sure in a great number. So much varieties! I couldn’t even count how many are they. But one thing for sure: you had been a tempeh-addict by the time you have come back from Liberia. I think that place sure had changed you a lot, but in a good way, since you are more loving tempeh :hihi :runaway.

    1. Which place Gara that had changed me a lot? And how it changed me? *want to know ajah*
      Hahahaha. The last pictures was only showing how many I’ve been through after coming back from Liberia.

  3. Now I feel hungry because of the pictures above. But it’s already 11.30 p.m. I regret clicking this post and found those nice pictures. So I just can dream about all that food. ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. When my cousin working in Banjarmasin, he always misses tempe, therefore any return to madiun always bring tempe in quantities for eaten there or ask his mother to sent it to him. Althought it’s still in Indonesia. I couldn’t imagine how outside of Indonesia.hehehhe

  5. the most-wanted food if you live abroad: tempe! like really originally tempe wrapped in banana leaves. i wanted to kiss tempe when i found it first time in Asia Market after couple months living away from Indonesia. it’s true, nothing can beat the taste of Indonesian Cuisine…

  6. How come the like button is gone?
    I looooveee cheeseeee martabak!!! I don’t know why but eversince I got here somehow I am over tempe which is good too because it’s super expensive. The only form of tempe I long for is kering tempe which I asked my mom to make for me every time a friend goes back. Now I am craving for martabak. I hate this week’s challenge!!

    1. I hid it Mba. Hihihi.
      Super expensive? So there is tempe there in M. How much is it Mba?
      Why do you hate this week challenge? Makes you want to go back? Hihihi.

  7. Thank you for the mention, Ryan! So sweet and kind of you ๐Ÿ™‚ Hahaha, you ate tempe for one whole month. Now that is some big craving you had for your country’s food ๐Ÿ˜€ Your friends and family must have thought you were a bit nuts…

    What delicious looking food. I haven’t tried most of them. The pisang goreng looks fabulous, not like banana at all ๐Ÿ˜› I think the sushi is called inside out maki sushi, which is popular outside of Japan but not so much there.

    1. You are very welcome. I hope i’m not making you craving for martabak though. Hahaha.
      Yep. I ate tempe in various kind of cooking. Mostly fried with or without flour.
      Yes. The pisang goreng was really good. Crunchy outside but soft inside.
      Why is that not popular in Japan? Is it because it is not raw?

      1. I had Nandos for dinner and am feeling very full now, and it’s almost 1am. It’s been years since I ate pisang goreng, lol.

        The inside out sushi (the one you ate) was an American invention, based off Japanese sushi. In Japan they still eat maki, sushi like in your photo but with the seaweed on the outside. So I suppose not popular because it tastes different.

      2. Nandos is actually Portoguese food, isn’t it? But to be honest, the chicken just tastes like normal tasty chicken to me. I think the American version of the original one is…KFC?

        I am going to sleep soon! After work today I went out to take photos of the sunset, came home late and so late reading my blog and chatting to everyone. So tired ๐Ÿ˜€

      3. Yes. KFC. Chicken will always taste like chicken. Otherwise the world is gone mad already. Lol

        Wow. Sunset. Loving the idea seeing sunset. Well have a good night Mabel.

  8. Wawwwww your post’s photos bikin ngiler mas! A simple tempe can be cooked into various dishes. Kalo aku sih paling suka tempe penyet ๐Ÿ˜€ *wong Suroboyo

  9. eh ga ada untuk nge-like postingannya ๐Ÿ˜€
    duh mas Ryan, lihat foto-foto makanannya jadi laper!

      1. ini sambil ngegayem cracker sih, tapi jadi pengen plencing kangkung sama mi ayam ๐Ÿ˜†
        *besok besok nyari dua makanan ini*

      1. Mas. I was just asking my mom about Terang Bulan. And the taxi driver was replying my question. He said that it is a brand of martabak.

      2. haha.. maybe when I tell you that kue terang bulanis also well known as kue bandung then the taxi driver would say that the cake was from there ๐Ÿ˜€

      1. Iya sih. Bisa lbh dr senalam pula kalau gak panas2 banget cuaca katanya. Ya dah mbak. Kayak saya. Hajar bleh pas di Indo. Hahahaha.

      1. Sadly not…
        I’m currently living in a city where there’s no single Indonesian restaurant around, not even Indonesian store :'(

      2. Hahahaha… Now, I understand that feeling exactly. Fiuuu, this week challenge is so tough for me… ๐Ÿ™‚

      3. No Indonesian store at all there? How about Asian store?
        Keep the spirit high. You can do it. And when you’re coming back here, you can fill your appetite just like me. Hehe

      4. No Indonesian store here… But there’s one Chinese store and one Thai store. And luckily they got Indomie, yeay ๐Ÿ™‚

        Hahaha, definitely… I was traveling abroad few years ago as well, and as expected when I came home, I was “pig”-ing out. Not sure how many kg I’ve got back then ๐Ÿ™‚

      5. High-five. I was also. Lost about 10 kg abroad. But gain about 6/7 kg after coming back. Hahahaha.
        Well at least you can still taste Indomie. Hahaha

  10. Oh noo… your photos make me craving for more fried tempe (and other foods).
    Here, it’s not hard to find traditional style martabak (with tape ketan hitam and coconut, or grounded peanut with sugar) in a traditional market. You may love it.

      1. Ditandai dulu doong…. ๐Ÿ˜€

        pokokยดe..makanan Indonesia mah nomor 1 di Duniaaaaa…

        Buat teteh, makanan Indonesia itu ngga enak sih sebetulnya, tapi uwenaaaaak sekaliiiii….. hihi

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