What do you see in that picture? Do you see a human there? I took the picture Thursday morning, from the balcony of the room I was staying with my family.
When I was standing on the balcony room hotel on the seventh floor, I saw a man, walking along the railway line, alone. He was carrying something on his shoulder. Then he disappeared. After waiting for some time, I saw him again, with nothing on his shoulder. Instantly I took out my cell and took a picture of him.
Then I reviewed it. How small he was in the picture, almost nothing to see there. Suddenly my mind took me back to one of Gara’s posts. He posted a picture of Tsunami diorama. The Tsunami was so big, 10 meters tall. Compared to it, we, who averaged 1.5 meters, are nothing.
Just like the man in my picture above, he was so small from above. What if God who sees us? Can you imagine how small we are? How do God can tell the difference between us? Then, I was thinking again, no questioning about God. How about in our own daily life, with all those many people surrounding, would us be noticed as one?
For those who works in a big company, you should know that it is hard to see the big boss. How would he/she knows us, one of the employees? What about our friends/relatives? They have so many other friends and relatives, not only us, how they can tell that this is us – not the others?
Well, to answer those questions, I had an enlightenment last night from one of my uncles from my mother’s side. It was the first time I met him last night, but he surprised me with many knowledge that he transferred, during conversation over glass of drinks and several smokes, to me.
He said, that every person have to find what is their uniqueness, which will differ anyone from others. Be UNIQUE. Yes, that is the answer for all questions above. If we want to be recognized, we have to be unique. And how to be unique, you may ask? None other than, by defining your one true capability (passion) that said this is you as a person. Is it hard? Trust me, it is. But it doesn’t mean impossible, after-all, impossible itself is I’m Possible.
He, himself, found his uniqueness, in automotive accessories in his mid 30, after working so many years as an employee. Experiences and never stop learning was two things he mentioned that needed to found the TRUE YOU. At the end, everything is going back at you. On your own decision to make, whether you are agree with what he said and try to do it, or disagree. I just want to share this because I really had so many new things to learn from him. And some of them quite suitable with my question, WHO AM I, a small man in this big and crowded world.
So, I hope you don’t mind if I ask you this: WHO ARE YOU (in this big and crowded world)?
This post is for EF#7 Challenge – Snap and Tell a Story from BEC
when I see you title, I start to humming “who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?”
great picture mas Ryan.
And who are we? Just a speck of dust in the galaxy….
*edisi blomove on dari film begin again*
iyakan Mbak Jo..langsung kebayang lagu ama filmnya pas baca judul tulisan Mas Ryan 😀
Ah itu dari film ya?
Yup. Dan gue dalam edisi dengerin lagunya dalam 4 hari terakhir. Coba cek : lost stars-adam levine
4 hari terakhir????
Yup, I posted it last Monday. Just watched the movie on Sunday and lost stars is one of the ost from the movie
Thank you Ra. That’s from title only right? How about after reading the whole post?
Just a speck of dust within the galaxy… Hmmm. So true. Maybe even, nano dust.
yeah, maybe nano dust too. I start to humming lost star from Adam Levine.
After reading it, your uncle was true, we need to find our self, know our capability and our passion. So, do you find it mas Ryan?
Still in process Ra. Maybe actually about writing. Hahahaha.
fighting for your writing mas Ryan.
the important things is process itself mas Ryan
Yes. Sometime I forgot to enjoying the process itself. Hahaha.
So. Who are you Ra?
still in process too mas Ryan 🙂
psychologist, traveler, and entrepreneur wanna be 😀
Hope you achieve it soon enough Ira. Please inform me if you are interested in the one I explained in WA
Aamiin Mas Ryan.
I still thinking about what we talk in WA Mas Ryan 😉
Well at least. When you travel, remember me yo. Hahahaha.
I will Mas Ryan 😉
Nice picture with great story. Inspire we to be distinctive from others. In a way blogging makes my way to create my uniqueness..
Thanks Dan.
Yep… I was thinking whether my blog and writings is my uniqueness also? But for you, it’s definitely yes Dan
Aaaw. So sweet of you Yan. *tabok lucu
aih… gw ditabok… *lihatlah tanda… merah di pipi…
I love it. Not only the picture, but also the message. You convey your thought very well, Mas Ryan 🙂
Thank you Icha.
So, have you found who you are?
Hmm.. not really, but I’m who I am haha 😀
iya… mirip postingan gara tentang diorama itu.
setiap orang punya keunikan masing-masing
Memang mas. Ini memang mengacu ke sana.
Kalau mas apa mas?
nah…. itu masalahnya. saya belum kenal diri sendiri, jadinya belum tahu apa yang bene2 unik 😀
IT Betawi asli yang suka menulis? :d
mungkin ada juga yang begitu, cuma saya belum tahu aja 😀
Ya itu mas dlm pandanganku. Hahaha
On the other words, we have to be proud of ourselves :hehe.
I think God must have known His creation very well, as He can do anything, even the unspeakable ones. But it doesn’t mean that we don’t have to stood up, as it’s a form of self-actualization :hehe.
Ah, what am I talking about. Sorry about this long comment :hehe.
That’s okay Gara.
Everyone can comment as long as they want here.
Yes, God must have known, that’s why I said, no need to questioning about God in the post.
So, who is Gara?
Who am I?
That will be too long to be explained, Mas :haha.
But for keeping it short, I’d rather say that I am… me.
Ew, that’s the most unclear explanation I ever gave, I think. I’m sorry.
That’s okay Gara. That’s the truth, the real truth for everyone. I am who I am.
Thank you. I just afraid that I’m wrong :haha.
That man does look very small. I don’t know why he would be walking there on the train tracks, it doesn’t look safe at all. But I suppose his business is none of our business. Who am I in this big and crowded world? That is a very interesting question. We all have our similarities but we are all so very different and that is what makes us unique. I suppose for me, I’m a writer who writes to share stories in Australia hoping to inspire others. Then again, I also believe that the world doesn’t revolve around us. Sometimes we can be big and unique in our own ways in what we do through helping those around us 🙂
Ah Mabel, thank you for stopping by and commented on this post.
Yes, you are right, we can be big and unique in our own ways in what we do through helping.
Totally agree with that one Mabel. Thank you for inspiring us, me in particular.
kelihatan ada orangnya
Duh, kalau gitu mah bilang orangnya ngumpet dulu yak. hahahaha
Hehehe. Trs kl km ditanya: who are you. Jawabannya apa Win?
im winny 😀
How are you going to describe Winny?
This picture tells us that safety is not our priority. Couple years ago I met a tourist in Dublin, she was standing next to a tram track and she was afraid to cross it. So she shouted at me, wondering if it is okay to cross the track. Apparently in her country, not sure where, it is illegal.
Sorry ta Ryan komentar gue ga fokus sama isi postingannya.
That’s ok Mba.
One picture has thousand words right? Hehe. And you are right also, it is not safety. But many still living along the train track.
I always feel the same way anytime I’m on plane and looking down. The houses are small, evenmore the human. But I think a bit differently. I notice that we, as human, are so small that we don’t deserve to be arrogant. No matter how good or successful we are. We are just as tiny as a dust to this universe.
True Nad. No need to be arrogant.
Dalem bgt mas. bikin merenung. Nemu lagi tulisan bagus, duh tulisan kuu o.o”
Ndak apa Mba. Kan style nulis masing2. Kebetulan kok.
Be Unique, Be You, Be Yourself. If you want to be somebody else, then who want to be you? Nice post Ryan. 🙂
Thank you Grant. You are absolutely right.
Hi Ryan…. Just nice to remind readers to be on the ground….
Who am I? Ada puisinya Emily Dickinson favoritku sejak jaman muda kinyis2….
I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
Wah. Puisinya bagus Mba. Sukaaaa. Simpen di notes ahh.
Makasih ya mba.
It is indeed, she has a lot like that, Ryan. Tulisanmu juga buagus2! Inspiring!
Makasih Mba. seneng kalau bisa menginspirasi
banyak banget komennya om… btw, kyk Jackie Chan aja, Who am I… *paling ga nyambung*
Banyak apanya Mbah?
Jackie Chan… Paling suka nonton yang di akhir film2nya. Kesalahan ambil adegan.
hahaha… yoi, keren ya, minim stuntman
yoi. total banget dia kalau main.
Wer bin ich…??
Artinya “Siapa saya..??”
Wer = siapa
Ich = saya
bin = to be
Gitu dong teh. Jd jawabannya?
I’m just an ordinary woman pokoknya..
I’m just an ordinary woman, natural in right and good way deh..Punya grate sense of humor juga
Iya sih. Teteh mah mang baik pisan. Geulis pisan pula
Hahaha pastilah teteh mah geulis pisan, masa ganteng pisaaan…!!!
Iya. Teteh mah bukan ganteng. Tapi kasep. *kabooooor*
*panci, wajan, centong, sendal, sapatu melayang* pletaaaaak
*tangkepin satu2* lumayan.
Pancinya bu… Neng… Bisa dicicil. Sekali pagi, sekali siang dan sekalian malam.
Hahhaha naluri tukang kriditnya keluar
Sudah teh. Kmrn dah kerja.
Minum obat gak teh?
Alhamdulillah kalau sudah kembali kerja mah…
Obat..? iya minum obat plus air jeruk hangat pake madu..
Dah sehat blm teteh?
Belum 100 % sembuhnya..
Eeeh malah nularin kangmas huhuhu
Aih. Kangmas jg sakit skrg? Moga lekas sembuh teh buat kangmas juga.
Iya batuk-batuk gitu sama pilek..
Aamiin..hatur nuhun doanya…
Kalau disini mah kudu jaim doong, nulis yg baek2 dikit gitu, ntar kalau ketemu khan kaget…ternyataaaaa… baek dan geulis juga sih… *keresek mana kereseeeek…???
Hahahahahaa. Cari jangkrik dulu ah. *krik krik*
Whaaat..? Teteh mau dikasih makan Jangkrik..?? Terlaluu… *pletaaaak
Gak kok. Gak ksh makan jangkrik. Kan teteh bukan ikan arwarna.
Who am I?
I’m spiderman
Wow. Spiderman visiting my blog…. *amazed*
So what do you feel being spiderman?
Biasa aja
I took those sentences from Spiderman movie
Hihi. Iya. Kan biar seru mas
Very inspiring story mas Ryan.. Thank you for sharing yaaa.. It’s another englightment for me. Thanks!
You are very welcome Ola. So happy if my post is useful.
Even though we are just a speck of dust in the galaxy (borrowing Mba Jo’s comment), we all have our own different characteristics. Your post inspires me to know myself better.
So who am I? I am still searching for the answer 🙂
Thank you Ami. I am glad that this inspired you
Who am I …?
“I am a flower quickly fading…
Here today and gone tomorrow…
A wave tossed in the ocean…
A vapor in the wind…”
Maap, nyomot lirik lagu orang wkwkwkkk
Lagu apa tuh?
Who am I – Casting Crowns
Cari ah
nice pict with great story.
you inspiring me bang ryan…
Thank you Ferdy.
Correction: you are inspiring or you inspire. Remember the complete sentence Fer.
tadi sempet mo nulis inspire tapi bingung eh jadinya inspiring.. *bodohnya diriku
makasih bang koreknya 🙂
Btw jgn sebut diri bodoh Fer. Kita sama2 belajar.
iya bang hehe…
thanks a lot bang 🙂
Ingetnya gini Fer. Kalau ada ing blkg setelah subject, hrs ada to be.
oh oke, coba dimasukin ke otak.. thanks again bang
One excellent and mindful piece of writing, Mas Ryan 🙂
Passion may lead us to unexpected outcome 😀
Thank you Mba Andina (wait. I am confused because there is Andin and Andina. Which one are you mba?)
keren ih postinganny mas menginspirasi…. da saya mah apa atuh cuman butiran debu yang terbawa angin #saaahwkwkwk
makasih Egi. kita semua ini butiran debu. hiks. Egi puitis dah. :d