A Very Rewarding Week of My Life

A Very Rewarding Week of My Life

What is a reward for yourself? If we try to google it, we would find it is a thing that given to someone in recognition of one’s effort, service or achievement. And this week theme from Weekly Photo Challenge is REWARD.

I totally agree about the definition above but for me, reward is not necessarily comes from someone else. It could be a feeling from inside. Like what I felt for last week. Yes… Last week was an extraordinary week for me but on the other hand, it was also a very rewarding week.

If you follow this blog and read my posts, you would have known that on February 24th, I was becoming Thirty Three and at the end of last week, on February 28, 2015, me and Admins of BEC finally held the very 1st Meet Up of BEC at Library of Indonesian’s Ministry of Education and Culture.

Thirty Three is just a number

For my birthday, it was nothing special. My family are agreed not to held big party for each member of the family’s birthday. We only buy a birthday cake and a fried noodle (this is a symbol for us as Indonesian Chinese for a long life for the birthday one and family – like the noodle). I got the same thing from my family on Thursday, February 26 because I was home at that day.

This is one rewarding birthday gift.
This is one rewarding birthday gift.

After blew the candle and ate the friend noodle, I went to bed. But on my bed, I wasn’t sleep instantly. I was chatting with Uda Sulung, the fiction master of MFF. He told me one big surprise, a really surprise birthday gift for me. He said that one of my post on this blog was uploaded to Liputan6.com. Instantly I didn’t feel tired anymore. I was literary screaming to my sister. That was the first time my post uploaded by someone else on public website, so I am so happy (till today). A very rewarding birthday from my family and friends.

BEC’s 1st Meet Up

We, Admins, already planned this since beginning of February. We planned that this first meet up was not going to a fee-based meet up for member. Thus, soon after Deva confirmed that Ollie Salsabeela (founder of nulisbuku.com – I am found this web so much) was going to be a speaker on our Meet Up (for free), we started to made the detail plan. One by one was defined and followed up, including venue, food, sponsors, etc.

Behind the scene Pic by Wirjawan
Behind the scene
Pic by Wirjawan

You know, on Friday night, February 27, 2015, I can’t sleep. I was awake up till 2AM (consider Saturday already) and woke up at 6:00 AM due to my friends was shouting at me. My roommate was the documentary man and my alumni friend was handling the live streaming (with his friends from IdCaster). Then I went to the venue first using my private Ojek (lol) but turned out that when I finally arrived at the venue, my friends already there, standing by.

We were going inside the venue to prepare everything (including another friend of mine, Fajri, that I asked to help on everything he could – he ended up becoming Ollie’s documentary man for the event). The place was ready, but we still need to do some decor and prepare the streaming also. To be frankly, that time, I really felt that my stomach hurt so bad. But trying to calm, I help Nita on decor (mostly done by Nita and Fajri) with Dwi and Ike helped on preparing the balloons.

Ollie & Members
Ollie & Members

Time to started the event was drawing near. Ollie came on the spot at 10:40 AM. On that time, the participants of the meet up was only few. I was really nervous, just like what Deva wrote on her note about this. Dani? He tried to stay calmed (yes Dan, I know you were nervous also). Nita? She tried to get her mind of by checking everything else. Unfortunately, Mbah Andik can’t join due to his personal things.

But then…. as we already mentioned on the invitation, at 11 AM (plus 5/10 minutes, lol), we started the event. We introduced our sponsors for the event, such as: Millie Cakery, Party Inc, Home for Passion, IdCaster and James Gwee Success Center. My alumni friend, Hartanto, introduced IdCaster and the process of live streaming before the session with Mba Ollie (which will be posted separately), followed by presentation from Mas Wawan about Web Security, then we introduced the new logo of BEC and also member of the month. We closed the event with taking pictures with all member.

All participants of BEC Meet Up This is what I called:  Very rewarding day
All participants of BEC Meet Up
This is what I called:
Very rewarding day

Now, thinking back to that particular day, with all my back and forth to calmed my nerve during the event, I can say, IT REALLY WAS A REWARDING DAY. I mean all those things we’ve done together was really paid up by seeing those people sharing their knowledge and members can learn from them and still having a good time. I learnt so much from those great people.

They really thought me to be grateful in life and share the success with all people you can. Your knowledge would never decreased by sharing it with others, instead, it will grow more and more. Thank you so much…. I really have the best week, a very rewarding week of my life.

So this is what I called the biggest REWARD in life. When all your effort seems to resulted in something that really matter for many people. This post is for The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Reward.” And also for BEC’s Meet Up post.


  • full of reward 😀

    oh iyah… liebster awardnya sudah sayda posting barusan ya, mas

    • Iya mas. Rewardnya banyak. Hehehe.

      Dah aku komen juga kok

      • oh iyah… selamat atas semua rewardnya.

        terima kasih

  • Wooooo so fast! I love lo mein on birthdays

    • What is the one so fast Mba?
      This post made me writing for 3 hours. hahahaha.

      Lo Mein on birthdays… Ah now I want lo mein. Hmmm… can I ask mom to make one?

      You all (mentors) are also awesome Mba.

      • Isnt this this week’s EF challenge? Lo mein makes me hungry. Thanks Ryan

      • No Mba. This is for meet up BEC – my own version. Hahahaha. For EF there will be another one.
        I am ordering Bakmi Ayam now. Hahahaha.

      • I see. I am no salt diet for the next ten days

      • Uihhh. Dalam rangka apa Mba? (Ini bahasa inggrisnya apa ya?)

      • Iseng huahaha suamiku lagi detox jadi ya udah deh ikutan

      • Ooo gt. Gula gak?

      • Cuman satu sendok sehari itu pun aku pake madu.

      • Weew. Satu sendok sehari?

      • Huhuhu iya tapi anyway memang aku gak pernah minum pake gula sih

      • Oooo. Gitu. Kalau buat makanan mba? Yang sweet? Eh lupa. Gak suka sweet terlalu ya.

      • Makan biasa aja kok

  • Ryannnn congrats for everything…. *lalu sebel tiap liat postingan BEC meet up*hahaha

    • Kok sebel sih. Jangan sebel dong.
      Ya ya ya. Jangan sebel. Nanti sebelnya pas diminta bawa kue pas kopdar. Hahaha

      • Sebel krna udah pengen banget ikut eh ga bisa. Ahhh sudahlah masih banyak hari lain yakan? Bawa kue.pas kopdar mah gampil asal jangan bikin 100 biji aja..bisa moydar eikeh

      • Gak kok. Cuma 50 tp 10 macam (msg2 50 yak) hahahahaha.

        Doakanlah. Ada kopdar lg yang bs ikutan Jo.

      • Iya. Inget! Jangan sabtu! Hahahaha *ini member gatau diri*

      • Hahahahahaha. Iya. Mdh2an yang lain jg woke gak sabtu

  • That cake really makes me… chocolate… eh I mean, hungry… oh what a lovely cake with candles on it. The fried noodles also looked delicious, too. I guess there is no leftover? :geplaked
    Congratulations on your first article being published at Liputan6! As one of the best news portal in Indonesia, seeing your own article at that very site must be such a proud experience.
    Oooh, next time, don’t hesitate to call me when you need help at the event place. Surely I’ll come for helping, either by blowing ballons or placing properties and decorations. Preparing an event sometimes is a daunting task and having extra hands will surely help, even by just a little :)).

    • I’ll take your words on this Gara. Hahahaha. Yes, it was. Luckily we had Dwi and Ike. Hahahhaa.

      The cake and fried noodle were finished already. Hehehe. Well come to my house, I’ll take you where the fried noodle bought.
      Thank you so much Gara. Even though nobody read it. Hahaha.

      • I just realize Uda Sulung’s real name :wrongfocus :peace.

      • Hahaahaha. Why? What’s wrong?

      • No, nothing wrong. It’s just that everyone keeps call him “Uda Sulung” and I’m curious about what is his real name. It’s just a curiosity, nothing else.

      • Hahahaha. Who else mentions him?

      • Mr. Rifki, to be exact. And some other bloggers which I couldn’t remember who :peace.

      • Oooo. MFF’s members I believe. Hahaha.

      • Yes, I believe. Are you one of them, too?

      • Yep but not as active as the others.

      • Hoo… :)).

  • Happy belated birthday! Wishing you the very best 🙂 And thank you for throwing a nice meet up. Hopefully our presence in the meet up replaced a present that perhaps you’ve been longing to have..

    • Thank you so much Rina.
      You all did gave us something. Things to remembered by. Argh. Can’t express what I feel inside.

  • Oo my, let’s not get too sentimental, shall we. Just say what you want to say…

    Okay, we feel you, brother. You’re happy, super duper happy. And really..get that grin off your face now 😀 We’re happy that you’re happy!

    • Yes. I am. I am very happy.

  • Happy belated birthday, I wish you all the happiness and health.

    And again, congratulations again for the success of the first BEC meet up.

    • Thank you Mba.
      Thank you also for coming last Saturday.

  • Happy belated birthday Mas Ryan, wish all the best for you and I agree that’s knowledge without sharing with the others is nothing.

    • Thank you Akang.
      You are also who share with others. I learn so much from you also Akang

  • Ryannnnnn.. Gw lupaaaakkk.. Gw udah ngucapin ultah blm yak? Maapkan klo lupa :p

    Happy Bday Ryan.. May u always be 23 hahahhahaha *kirimPudingviaLine*

    • Hahahaha thank you Yeye. Mau pudingg hiks

  • Lagi, HBD selain via Whatsapp, Happy bithday Mas Ryan! Semoga selalu bersemangat menyusun cerita-cerita kehidupan.

    • Amin. Makasih Umami

  • Happy Birthday Mas Ryan … wish you all the best yaaa 🙂

    • Thank you Mba.

  • Very rewarding can celebrate your bday with family, esp your mom. I can saw that you are really love your mom. Say hi to your mom, Ryan! 🙂

    • Hahaha. I do Dev. Love her so much. Will tell her you said hi

  • Bersyukur bisa ngerayain bareng keluarga ya, Bang.. Apalagi diucapin sama BEC’s member 😛

    • Iya… bersyukur banget Beby.

  • Happy Birthday Mas Ryan!
    Congrats juga buat acaranya :))

    • Thank you Lia.
      So blessed having that event.

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