Siapa manusia itu? Bagaimana menilai seorang manusia lainnya? Seperti apa sebenarnya nilai seorang manusia? Dari kekayaan? Kekuasaan? Jabatan? Did you do it for some things? Did you did it for recognition? Or did you do it for your own love of life... Untuk semua sahabat Path : #Helping #Helpers #PeduliSosial Ayo luangkan waktu buat bikin kalimat pendek untuk memotivasi adik- adik kita yang lagi berjuang #MELAWAN... Good morning Jakarta. Lets have a great day – at Plaza BII Tower 2 View on Path Tadi pagi berjalan dari Thamrin Kav 1... Who never get worries? I’m sure everyone had. Or maybe now you have. Well. I have my worries also. But i try not to... If i could REACH… Higher!!! Do you know what song i mentioned? I love that song. It gives me hopes to cope and stand... Anyone understand this quote? Please enlightened me What is Your Blessed Life? Kalau dari kutipan di atas, saya sendiri melihat ada pengaruh dari pikiran... “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” By Buddha I found that... This is a repost from my old blog with a prologue added on. Saya suka sekali menuliskan terjemahan bebas ala saya atas kutipan-kutipan yang...