Mom’s Garden

Mom’s Garden

My mom is not working currently. She become a stay home mom, after so many years worked to support her family. She is an awesome mom, that’s why I am proud wearing a T-shirt with those words, because I really am having an awesome mom. She was working as a Kitchen Head in a Chinese Restaurant during my elementary school. Then she worked as a “nurse” for an old lady on Kebayoran Lama. After that, she worked as a “baby sitter” for few families. She really did all those because of us, her family.

Now, since she was asked by us to stay at home, she is doing what she love, gardening. She really love gardening. She could do it all day long (as long as her Hayday already done). Start from preparing the pot for planting, putting the fertilizer, watering if it’s not raining, up to checking the trees one by one if there’s a disease or not.

On her last her birthday, she told me not to celebrate it with buying any cake. She said that she wanted another thing. And you know what she want? She asked me to go with her to a place to buy trees. She wanted to buy many trees to planted around our neighborhood. Yup, not at our house but for our neighborhood. She said she want to create a place that all the kids on our neighborhood can play. Argh… My mom is really awesome.

She ended up with so many trees, totaled almost Rp 500,000, including the fertilizer. She planted them all nearby a river near our house. Now… the place is full with trees and flowers. And mostly are due to my mom. And you know, she planted some flowers and some plants that you can use for cooking, such as Daun Kencur (I don’t know the English for this), pepper, and aloe.

And today I found that, she gave some of her plants to other people for free. A neighbor saw one of my mom’s plants – I forgot which one, and she asked for it. She gave it just like that. I know it was taking so many time for her to grow that one, but she just gave it. Another plant she gave to a repairman who was repairing a house on another cluster. He broke that person’s plant and my mom had the same plant like hers. So he asked my mom and she said yes. He took them all. My mom still have the seedling though, which she planted on a pot and now it’s starting to grow again. Another one is the vegetable seller at my cluster. They always asked for the Daun Kencur to my mom every time some customer asked for it.

Every thing was given for free. My mom said it’s okay to gave them for free. Coz actually when she did it, her plants grow more and more. So, she said, actually she helped herself by doing those thing. She told me that it is like in life, giving something to others is not doing a bad thing for us. In contrary, it is helping us to grow more.

Okay… I think it’s enough for now, talking about my awesome (how many times I’ve mentioned this) mom. Maybe next time I can make a post regarding learn that we can get from gardening. Now… I want to show you the garden. My mom’s garden. Hope you enjoy it.And I hope this also answered the request from Mba Nella, to post a gardening topic. Btw Mba Nella, like I wrote in the email, she really love your post about Tulip.

Here are the pictures. Have a great day all. Thank you for reading.

NB: Even though I am not putting any watermark on my photos, please don’t use it without my permission. They are my photos. Respect other’s right. Okay?


  • Wijaya kusuma! Dulu ada di rumah, tapi udah ga ada pohonnya pdhl lucu. 🙁 Liday buaya juga dulu ada cuma udah kegedean jadi mengganggu. Eh jadi curhat.
    Btw, jadi pengen ngepost soal taman juga. Boleh?

    • Sangat boleh. Palagi kalau linkback ke sini. Hahahaha.

  • Itu nama jeruknya jeruk kunci alias kalamansi alias lemon cui…saya jg nanam itu di rumah, dipake buat ngilangin amis ikan sama buat bikin dabu2..

    • Ooo itu ya. Baru tahu saya Mba. Makasih infonya. Jadi bisa kasih tahu mama nih. Biasa cuma buat soto. Tapi gak asam banget. Jd butuh banyak. Hahaha

  • Ryan thank you for the post, I like it so muc! 🙂 . Your mother have a beautiful garden, I wish someday when I fly to Indonesia I could come for visit and see your mom’s garden 😀 . For us gardener, time is running so fast when we work. On summer I can work with gardening thing until 10 at night because the sun shine till that time 😆 .

    • Thank you so much for your comment Mbak. You know, after you put gardening as a topic you would like to read in this blog, I was confused. I even talked to Noni in one of her post.
      Then last Saturday, after talked with Mom, and showed her your post, I decided to make this post.

      Yes Mbak. Time flies, that what she told me also. Perhaps it is due to you are doing what you really love. Your passion.

  • haaa..I wish I had some free space, I have never tried gardening, but always love plants 😀

    • Well, you can do it Nad. Just read on Mbak Nella’s blog. She wrote a lot about it. She has a limited space also in her apartment. But that don’t stop her from do the gardening.

      I know you can Nad… And can’t wait to read your post about it *linkback to this post if you do… LoL

      • Iyaaa hahaha belajar muali dari bumbu dapur dulu dah kayak Mas Dani 😀

      • Iya Nad. Tinggal lempar biji doang. Sama kok. Mama juga gitu buat yang cabe. Hahahaha.

      • Benih cabe sensitif banget yak, dilempar doang jadi. LOL

      • Iya Nad. Bahkan gak perlu dipupuk atau disiram dia masih bisa hidup loh.

      • 😯 cocoklah buat yg gak telaten kayak saya :mrgreen:

      • Hahaha. Cuma satu Nad… harus inget lempar bijinya di mana. hahaha

      • Karena pernah seperti itu juga yang pernah dialami sebelumnya. hihi.

  • Wow, your mom is really awesome! People whose hobby are gardening are cool (since I do not have any talent for gardening :D) and she even think for your neighborhood.
    And your photographs are really nice :).

    • Thank you Ami. She is very cool, an awesome mom. I said it not because I am her son.

      Me too… I can’t stand doing it so carefully and so many hours spent on that. *highfive*

      Thank you also for your comment of the photos.

      So… If I ask, what is your hobby, what is the answer Ami?

      • You are welcome, Mas Ryan :).
        In my family, only my dad who loves gardening. He knows how to plant and what treatment which should be given to the plants. But he is still working, so he don’t have much time to do gardening.

        My hobby? I love cooking and writing stories. I enjoy watching Japanese TV serials or films, too. Well, if reading is counted as a hobby, I will include it :). However, since I managed to frequently post on my personal blog recently, I hardly have enough time to do my hobbies.

      • I bet your dad do gardening on weekends. Please do make a post about his garden sometime Ami. I really want to see it.

        Owww… Cooking. So your life’s partner will be the luckiest one. Always eats delicious meals.

        Do you like Korean Drama also? *tetep promo yg satunya*

        I also miss my reading lately. Spend only about 10 minutes to do it in the morning.

      • I will try to post it sometime, in shaa Allah 🙂
        Haha, I love cooking but it’s only based on my instinct (and sometimes, recipes). I do not really measure the ingredients before cooking. Too lazy to do that :D. K-dramas…not really. Yet, sometimes, I watch them on TV. About reading, I would like to turn the 66th page of an e-book soon. Ten minutes in the morning, if combined, it will be a meaningful number, right? 🙂

      • I will wait for the post Ami, no matter how long. Haha *no pressure though.

        Me too. As I remembered for cooking. Hahaha.

        Yes. You are right. But lately I haven’t do it regularly.

        Semangat Ami. Bisa kita!

      • Yay, kita bisa! 🙂

  • Subur-subur ya tanamannya, bener banget kata ibu mas… Kalo kita sering memberi, manfaat sebenarnya adalah untuk diri sendiri, terbukti kalo orang yg sering berderma hidupnya gak ada yg susah 😀

    • Makasih Mba Eka. Iya… walau ada beberapa yang gagal juga sih. Pernah saya tulis juga sih. 😀

      Bener tuh. Semakin banyak memberi gak akan membuat kita kekurangan ya. Makasih ya Mba.

  • keren… kalo tetanggaan pasti sering main ke rumah buat berguru sama bunda nih. Kalo saya selain bunga2an sedang mengembangkan tanaman sayur mayur nih mas… 😀

    • Wah… Mba Ie juga suka menanam ya. Pengen dong lihat mba. 😀
      Sayur apa aja Mba yang ditanam sekarang? Susah gak sih?

      • yang sudah berhasil : kangkung, sawi, selada, bayam merah, bayam hijau, mint, daun bawang, cabe, kapri, rosella

        yang belum berhasil : tomat he he…

        saya pakai teknik hidroponik mas, tapi yang paling dasar, dan juga mempergunakan barang2 bekas pakai, semacam botol air mineral dsb.

        sementara ini udah ngajar (ekskul) juga nih di murid2 SMP… supaya mereka belajar proses pertumbuhan dan lain2..

        *wah jadi pengen menuliskannya nih 😀

      • Wah… keren Mba. Penasaran deh aku sama hidroponik. Ayo mba tulis. jadi aku bisa kasih unjuk mamaku juga. Siapa tahu dia juga pengen bikin hidroponik.

        kok aku dipanggil mas sih. 😛

      • kubuatkan deh tulisan soal hidroponik… gampang kok 😀

      • Asikkkk…. ditunggu ya mba.
        link dong ke posting ini hehehe

      • lah dirimu kan emang mas-mas… 😀

      • hahahaha…. iya sih. cuma kesannya tua bener. hahahaha *padahal mah memang tampang tua abis.

  • Your mom is awesome, Mas Ryan. A good yet productive hobby. What a cute garden. I have one at my hometown, this post made me miss my home.. hahaa

    • So sorry Mba if this post made you feel that. 🙁 I didn’t mean to.

      Thank you Mba for your appreciation.

      I will wait your post about yours.

  • foto fullnya nggak ada mas? yang bisa ngeliat semunya gitu 😀

    • Hahaha… menyebar sih mas. Tadinya mau bikin video sih. Tapi belum sempet. 😀 *alasan padahal mah malas*

      Kapan2 deh mas… foto tampak muka, eh jadi keliatan rumahku dong. Malu aku mas. Malu.

      • ooo… berarti luas donk yah tamannya

      • Gak juga kok mas. Cuma sekitar 4 meteran lebarnya

  • Aku malah yang sukak berkebun, Bang.. Soalnya asik sih. 😀

    • Wah… Beby suka berkebun? Gak sangka loh. 😀 Artinya kamu orangnya cukup sadar ya.

  • Keren, Ryan! 😀
    Kalo di keluargaku, Papa yang suka sama tanaman. Aku mah da apa…hahaha…

    • Wah… papamu yang suka ya? Lihat dong kebunnya Dev. hehehe.

      Ayo… kamu suka apa?
      Kamu passion soal meet up. 😀 *aku kipasmu*

  • Ryan, I think I know why your mother love to play Hay Day, just like i do,
    membayangkan jadi petani beneran, …
    apalagi rumahku juga cuma punya lahan seuplik doang dan menghadap barat pula, jadi terbatas tanaman yang tahan panas ..
    palingan yg bisa seperti itu keluarga Xancivera / lidah mertua, kamboja

    kirim salam buat mama, salut dgn niatnya berkebun untuk berbagi

    • Hahaha iya juga mba. Dia suka masak juga. Jadi kayaknya masuk semua ya. Nanti saya sampaikan ya mba.

  • Duhhh so beautiful. My mom likes gardening too. Can’t wait to move to my new house and will spend time to do the gardening thing.

    • Whoa…. and I can’t wait to see your post about it. hehehe.
      *link back ya – wink*

      • My post about what? Gardening? Lahhh pindahnya aja masih lama Ryannn

      • Yes….
        That’s okay. I will be right here waiting for you #tsahhh *digerus suami Jo

      • Buahahahaha…

  • Wooow. Really love the pictures of the plant your mother has Ryan. Wish her a happy and healthy days yaaa. Amazing you use english for your post already other than english friday!

    • Amin. Thank you so much Dan for your wish.
      Yes… but still a lot of red remark from Mba Mikan. LoL

      • Wkwkwkwk. Don’t mind it lah. Keep writing sambil revise.

      • yep… semangat. apalagi abis baca yg Utie tulis kemarin Dan. Jadi mikirin besok Jumat nih. kayak gimana ya? Bisa2 gw bacanya, kata Mba Mikan, Rinto.

  • ijo seger liatnya mas, bunganya juga cantik-cantik.
    Your mam very awesome mas ryan

    • Thank you so much Fer. Tapi cuma bunganya kan yang dianggap cantik, sayanya gak kan? hahahaha

  • Your mother is so kind. Really, she is so kind.
    Oh, Wijayakusuma! My family has one, too, planted in our backyard. It’s flowers seem to bloom at night only, furthermore, just on “special days”, according to Balinese calendar :hihi.
    Seeing how your mom is so kind, I remember a quote from Tjong A Fei which I read from visiting his mansion, yesterday:
    “Success and glory consist not in what I have gotten but in what I have given”.
    Nice post 🙂

    • Yes Gara, it is bloom at night. So my mom was so happy and told me several times about it. But then, we slept and when we woke up, the flower already “gone”

      Special days? What is the special days Gara?

      I love that quote. Can I use it on my post?

      • Yeah, it only blooms at night. Very unique.
        Owh, special days is what we called “hari raya” in Indonesian. For example, the day of full moon, the day of dark moon, Tumpek Days, and another special occasions.
        Balinese have lots of those kinds of days, really :))

        Sure, I think everyone should know that quote :hehe

      • oooo. I see. On those days, the flower will bloom?

        Thank you Gara.

      • Yep :))

      • New information. Thanks Gara for the info.

    • Ada Win. Tapi belum ada cabenya. Yang sebelumnya dah dipetikin dan diminta tetangga. 😀

  • Hi! So beautiful for your lovely garden and how blessed to have such a wonderful mum! Sharing is loving! May you & your family be well and happy! Cheers!

    • Thank you LiJiun. Thank you very much. Cheers.

  • Memberi tanaman ke orang lain, malah tanaman ibunda tumbuh subur. bisa jadi itulah contoh the power of giving, Bro

    • Iya mas. Itu yang sy dapatkan dr dia.

    • Keliatannya rapih ya Non. Padahalnya mencar sana mencar sini yang di pot. 😛

      • Kamu dong rapihin hehe

      • Wah… bisa diomelin saya. 😀 Bantu dengan doa aja sih

      • Bantu dengan beli2 koleksi yangbaru dong

      • Hahaha itu mah dah pasti. Seperti pas bday kemarin, nyokap minta secara spesifik. 😀

  • Waaah, your Mom has a very beautiful heart :’) I hope your Mom’s garden blooms and spread happiness to her & other people, too

    • Thank you Tia for your beautiful words. Amin.

      Btw… new account on WP?

      • Nope, this account is only a trial at WP hahaha… And it’s much easier to comment on WP blogs using WP account

      • After I replied, I opened your blog and… nothing there. LoL.

        Yes, it is easier to comment using WP Account. That’s why I used G+ id to comment on blogspot. It’s much easier.

    • Yang mn mas?

  • Baca postingan ini jd inget mamaku yg jg nanam tanaman, pohon – pohon di lingkungan rumah. Awalnya depan rumah kami gak ada pepohonan dan tanaman lain, alhasil banyak orang buang sampah di sekitar tpt pepohonan itu skrg berada. Entahlah ya kenapa budaya buang sampah itu seperti tdk menghargai orang lain, yg buang sampah dari gang rumah yg lain, dia buang sampah di dpn rmh, tdk mau kotorx tp mengotori di lingk org lain, pdhal dampaknya nanti bs sama, klo banjir, kan dia kena jg.. kita bolak balik buangin sampah mereka klo ada truk sampah datang, tp mau sampai kapan? akhirnya hampir semua tanah kosong di dpn rmh, dan juga tanah kosong tetangga.. ditanamamin pohon sm mamaku.. bunga2, dan tanaman2 lainnya jg deh.. skrg.. lingk rumah jadi hijau.. malah jd sering tpt orang2 lari pagi hehehe…

    • Wah. Keren Mba. Semua di sekitaran juga? Jd penasaran fotonya.

      • hihihi.. aku coba foto siang ini yaa.. klo maen ke rmh mamaku, ntar aku upload dimana? hmm.. di bec chitchat aja ya hahaha..

      • Japri aja. Tp kalau mau ksh unjuk yang lain jg gpp di chitchat. Selama gak di learning.

      • hahahaha..japri aja klo gitu, tp setelah itu klo ryan mau share grup.chitchat ya monggo aja.. hehe

    • Wahh. Mba main Hayday juga. Nagih yo???

  • Hayday..?? Sudah didelete haha

    Rajinnya mama yaa..

    Teteh juga sukaaa lihat tanaman dan bunga2, dan termasuk rajin… rajin beli dan nyuruh kangmas yg naneeem huahaha… * bukan istri teladan*

    • Haha. Teteh. Ujung2nya kangmas yang urus y.

      • Soalnya tangan teteh mah “panas” jadi mati kalau nanem2 itu *alesaaaaan*

      • Huahahahaha. Tangan panas yak???

      • Jadi ngegoreng juga cukup di tanganlaaah

      • *sodorin telor*
        Mata sapi. Merahnya setengah mateng ya teh

      • Iihh kaya anak-anak teteh aja, ceplok flussig… Alias tengahnya setengah mateng..

      • Hihi. Enak sih teh.

      • Teteh malah sukanya diaduk2 tuh kuningnya biar satu sama putih telor..harus keriiiing…

      • scramble egg… kok harus kering?

      • Bukaaan… Telor ceplok, tp kuningnya dipecah gitu..jadinya pipih ceploknya… Kaya ceplok keinjek

      • Oooo. Paham. Jd teteh injek merahnya pas lg goreng yak *bayangin teteh injek frying pan*

      • Saktilah teteh mah… Udah tangannya panas, kakinya pun tahan panas pula

      • Hahaha. Bingits teh. Ckckck

      • Makanya jangan macem2 sama teteh yaah… Ingat-ingaat tangan teteh

      • *lihatlah merah… Tanda di pipi… *
        Nanyi aja ah akunya

      • Nyanyi di angkot/bus ajalah…ntar teteh yg narik recehannya…

      • Hahahaha. Sptnya kita bs jd tim kompak teh. Tapiiii. Kalau nyanyi di bus. Takutnya kaca jendela pada pecah teh.

      • Hahhaa kaleeem, ntar teteh jampi2 dulu trs sembur *eeeh..??!!

      • Aish. Tetehhh. Trnyata teteh tuh….

  • bunganya cantik-cantik. mama Ryan rajin banget ya. 🙂
    mamaku juga suka tanam-menanam… tapi karena sibuk nggak setiap hari gardeningnya.

    • Foto dong. Foto.
      Itu kalau lg pengen berkebun Grant. Kl gak sih ya hayday an aja. Haha

      • ah, berkebun di hayday… boleh juga tuh. hehehe
        ya nanti aku foto-fotoin kerjaan gardeningnya my mom. bikin artikel kayak ryan. *ijin dulu nih sama Ryan mau bikin artikel yg mirip

      • Monggo. Silakan Grant.

      • Makasih ya Ryan. 🙂

      • Sami-sami.

  • Mom’s Little Garden | Be Bright! Magazine

    […] terkait dengan artikel EF #7 The Asoka Tree yang saya upload Jumat kemarin. Idenya dari artikel Mom’s Garden-nya Ryan, dimodifikasi sedikitlah ya biar nggak njiplak banget. […]

  • […] 3. Kisah Mama saya yang suka banget berkebun. Kadang tiba-tiba aja mama saya itu suka celetuk kenapa dengan tanaman ini, kenapa dengan tanaman itu dan akhirnya muncullah ide tulisan belajar dari tanaman. Baca: My Mom’s Garden. […]

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