Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Count Your Blessings, not Your Problems

24 sec read

I stumble upon this post of @Endahya here, and i have these questions that i wanna share to you.
Whatever you do now, when you read this post, STOP!
Just STOP and take a deep breath for a while. THINK about what have happened in your LIFE. And try to imagine anything you have in life until NOW.
Ask and answer these question about your own life.
1. What do you have now?
2. Do you have anything to THANKFUL for? Or just REGRETS?
3. Why do you have them (thankful or regrets)?
4. What makes you HAPPY? being thankful or being in regrets?
At the end…
5. What do you CHOOSE for the rest of your life?

Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

12 Replies to “Count Your Blessings, not Your Problems”

  1. Itu biasanya disebut dengan Thankfull Journal… 🙂 it’s great of you write them ever day 🙂 teaches us how to aprreciate a lot of things we have in our life 🙂

  2. Setuju Mas Ryan…
    Cara mudah untuk bahagia, salah satunya adalah dengan bersyukur atas setiap nikmat yg diberikan Tuhan. terutama nikmat kesehatan 😀

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