
Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting

8 sec read

This week challenge is about FLEETINGFleeting may also make you think of movement and change. I took these pictures around Jakarta at night… well, actually it’s only around Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, last week.

Jakarta Membiru

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Just.. SHINE

Know the song? Just before the dawn When the light’s still gone Shine, shine your way And you may not know, where to go...
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10 Replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting”

    1. sebenarnya ada artinya di link yang ada di post itu mas. tapi ini saya copas dikit ya:

      I’ve been thinking a lot about the fleeting moments in our days, and in our lives. The quiet, precious moments between the ones we love…..

      Fleeting may also make you think of movement and change.

      saya sih lebih mengartikan untuk yang kedua. sebuah tantangan baru aja mas. makanya saya lebih ke posisi yang kedua ini.

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