Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Beat the Heart

7 sec read

Beat the Heart

put down your sorrow now
set the volume to the limit
put the ear into the beat

Kalau saya lagi sedih biasanya cari lagu yang enak, setel keras-keras terus pasang headset…

Kalau kamu gimana?

Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Jakarta Membiru

27 sec read

Just.. SHINE

Know the song? Just before the dawn When the light’s still gone Shine, shine your way And you may not know, where to go...
11 sec read

25 Replies to “Beat the Heart”

      1. jadi ingat ada yang pernah bilang kalau shopping itu obat stress. mungkin benar juga ya?
        atau malah nambah stress/sedih?

  1. bisa tidur, bisa dengerin musik, bisa baca cerita, bisa nulis, bisa nangis, bisa merenung, bisa sholat, bisa ngaji, bisa semedi.
    tergantung mood dan penyebab sedihnya 🙂

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