Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Ebola and Liberia

32 sec read

Ebola in Liberia is more than just a disease. It’s also about fear and unawareness from its people.

Many Liberians think that Ebola does not exist. Or it’s not for them, only for foreigner. That’s why the outbreak in there is significant.

This is a link from CNN last week. Where a group of people forced some patients to go away from one of clinics. Some of those patients were tested positive for EVD. This group of people said that EVD is only a trick from President to get money from the international.

Liberian Ebola quarantine spawns chaos

EVD itself is spreading through body fluids such as sweat, blood, sperm, not through airborne. As long as we control ourselves it should be okay. Many patients outside West African countries are tested negative for EVD at the end.

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Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

3 Replies to “Ebola and Liberia”

    1. Soal presidennya gitu apa gak, gak ada bukti mba. Itu hanya pendapat segelintiran kelompok orang aja. Justru mereka membahayakan yang lain. Karena memaksa pasien yg positif ebola untuk keluar dari perawatan.

      Saya sudah di Indo kok mba.

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