Why is it so hard

Why is it so hard

Lately, i realized that I’ve been complaining and complaining and complaining. About the job mostly. No.. I don’t want to talk about the job, but I just wanna talk about doing complain. Yes.. complaining about life.

Ok. First, I don’t realize it, but then yesterday, seems like I was given a warning. A friend of mine, which is having the same problem, maybe even worse than me, said in a positive way about one event that happened to both of us. And me? I was perceived it in a negative way.

That made me realize how I’ve become so ungrateful and negative person day by day lately. Of course, we all have problems. Like I said, my friend here maybe facing a worse case than mine. But hey… he still be able to see it positively. What happen to me? Who am i now? Where is the person who wrote #TGFTD daily go?


If you never complaining in your entire life, please raise your hand and teach me how. I mean, in my mind, most of us are used to complain. About anything, maybe about the traffic – especially those who lived in a big city like Jakarta, about salary, about love, about family, etc.

Complaining is a very easy job to do. You want to know how? Just think one of very very annoying things you ever experienced. I bet you can have so many things to complain on that particular event. But is it good?

I mean… myself feel that I was very exhausted. And after I realized, the weeks passed by, I was concentrated in a negative way, including by complain all the time about anything. And that is a very tiring job… event much worse than lifting 10 kg box.

Why? Because it consumed your head, your heart and at the end… effect to your physic in much more worse way you can think of.

If complaining is very easy to do but consumed most of your energy and making you weaken without you realizing it, why being positive and grateful is very hard?

Can you help me on this???

How to be grateful…. in your own words. How to keep positive in a negative environment?

Maybe it’s time for me to get a break from life for a while. Think every moment that I’ve been through. Remember all memories…. especially good memories.

Well… at the end I just wanna say in this random post, that, being positive and grateful in life, is really not an easy task, but hey… no shortcut for success right?

NB: I’m really sorry for many mistakes in my grammar or words. Don’t hesitate to point the error in my English.


  • Mengeluh bagian dari hidup yaaa hahaha. Boleh mengeluh tapi jangan kebanyakan 🙂

    • yang sedang2 saja ya mas?
      ini ke mana aja sih? jarang keliaran *digeplak mas cumi*

  • Had had several times of this before and it takes time Mas. In the end I only needed to change the way I see things and accept everything just as they are. Not expecting too much.

    • at first, i read as: ‘just the way you are’ i was singing while reading it. but then…. hahaha

      so don’t expect too much ya Dan. but sometime, we need expectation so we are motivated to do something right? No great expectation, will it be problem also?

  • participate in charity, meet new people, do different activities, do something for the first time 🙂

    • Thank you for the input.

  • Create an anonymous private blog to spill anything on your mind, including the negative ones. At least you don’t have to make other people ears’ red by being your trash bag. If you are trapped in negative environment, find a let out. positive activities, hobbies, communities, etc. But the best thing to do is to get away from that place as soon as you can.

    Not that I mean to be an expert or anything, anyway. Just happened to be in the same situation once.

    Oh and love the daily gratitude idea 🙂 all the best of luck!

    • Thank you for the input. Really nice input. Especially from experience.

      Visit the other blog for daily tgftd.wordpress.com.

  • The same problem with me. If we always complain, we cant stop it. When there are something to complain about, I usually hear a song: Ya Sudahlah. It always help. 😀

    • What kind of song? Mind to share?

      • The title is “Ya Sudahlah”

  • Thank God I read this post in such a perfect time, thank God I read the comments in response to this post because all of the words built here give me a different insight. Once again, thank you. This post is very meaningful to me :)).

    • Thank God I’m not deleting this post before. Glad can help you.

      • Sebenarnya sayang sekali sih Mas kalau dihapus… :hehe :peace.

      • Hahahaha. Gak kok.

      • :)).

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