Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh

This week challenge is about FRESH. Some of the challenge posts: http://bambangpriantono.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh-segar http://mondasiregar.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh/ http://jampang.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh http://francineinretirement.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh http://betigaklaten.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh/comment-page-2 http://sustainabilitea.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh http://francineinretirement.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/weekly-photo-challenge-fresh other post you can see here  

Ujung Dunia

Sesekali, ketika semua keadaan yang ada di duniamu terasa berat, berlayarlah Berlayarlah ke tempat yang belum pernah kau kunjungi Duduklah di tempat terbaik dan nikmati perjalanannya Cobalah berada di ujung

dasar memulai fotografi

Playful Time

No matter the age, people love to play… In the picture are my mom and sister playing on the beach… 🙂 just sitting on the beach at first.. but then

Travel Theme: Peaceful

This is my peaceful moment… actually, these pictures were already uploaded in this blog on various post. It’s in Bali, Indonesia. I love beach, and Bali has the beautiful beaches…

The Sky and The Water

Menikmati hari dengan menatap langit biru nan terang Menikmati riuhnya air berkejaran Menatap para anak kecil bermain Dan semilir angin menerpa wajah ‘Kita tak menyadari sejuknya angin berhembus jika tak

Sweet Memories

Suatu hari… di kala kita duduk di tepi pantai dan memandang.. ombak di lautan yang kian menepi Burung camar Terbang bermain diderunya air Suara alam ini Hangatkan jiwa kita Sementara

All you can see is…

Still from the family holiday at Bali (Sept 2012). I love beach. i really do. this is one of the beach i went to.. Dreamland at Bali. And all i

We’re Just a KID

in every grownup there’s always a kid soul inside. This is my sister, big sister. she is the oldest in the family. but, when we went to Bali, she’s like

Here I Stand

Here I stand… before YOUR grace to be grateful for the beauty you gave us… I love sunset… and i think many also love sunset. This is the sunset at

Artikel 7 Habits


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Bagi kita yang sering mengalami masalah dalam hidup, terkadang rasanya ingin sekali bisa me-restart hidup kita, betul? Restart and dengan...

Never was… Never Will

Jika ada yang bilang kalau mengejar mimpi itu mudah, semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, apa yang kau pikirkan? Kemarin saya berkutat...

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Dapat gambar ini dari Path teman saya. Saat itu saya melihat gambar tentang 5cm ini...

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